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This article is a few months old , but it is one of the reasons why Fox is the most trusted news source in america. imo

Networks Ignore Gallup Poll Showing Obama Approval Rating at an All-Time Low [Updated]
By Curtis Houck | September 5, 2014 | 12:37 AM EDT
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UPDATE [11:15 a.m.]: On Friday morning, ABC, CBS, and NBC continued their blackout on the latest Gallup poll numbers showing President Obama's approval rating at an all-time low of 38 percent. The blackout also continued regarding any polls on the President and his job approval/disapproval ratings. The "big three" networks disinterest in the President's poll numbers continued despite multiple polls showing his approval rating below 40 percent and the gap between those who approve and disapprove of the job he's doing at over a dozen points.

Instead of covering these poll numbers as they did throughout the administration of President George W. Bush, the networks devoted plenty of time to stories that they deemed important. Both ABC's Good Morning America and NBC's Today covered a dog in Poland who was dressed up as a giant spider to scare unspecting passerbys as part of a prank. On CBS This Morning, the editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan magazine joined the program and gushingly promoted the magazine's annoucement that they will endorse political candidates who support gay marriage, contraception, and abortion.


The evening newscasts for the major broadcast networks came and went on Thursday night and ABC, CBS, and NBC refused to cover a new poll from Gallup that showed President Barack Obama’s approval rating at an all-time low of 38 percent.

After the CBS Evening News made mention of a CBS News poll on Tuesday showing only 36 percent of Americans approving of how Obama was doing his job when it came to foreign policy, it reverted back to joining ABC and NBC in ignoring any and all polls concerning President Obama and his job performance.

The poll, which was taken over a two-day period from Monday to Wednesday, ties Obama’s previous all-time low in Gallup’s Daily Tracking Poll from October 2011. This most recent poll also reported that 56 percent of Americans disapprove of the way the President is doing his job and thus places the disparity between Obama’s approval and disapproval ratings at 16 percent.

According to Real Clear Politics, this is the fourth poll in the last month to place Obama’s approval rating below 40 percent (with the other three coming from Reuters/Ipsos polls).
Thanks for not spiting. and your welcome.

Nitro, you created a thread based on a poll that asked 1,286 people, 809 of which are over 55, if they thought Faux Noose was a credible source of news. And it barely squeaked by. I wanted you to look at the entire picture, not just the soundbite. You were incapable of doing so, even after I spelled it out for you. I knew the answer before you provided it, I just wanted to see if you would actually look that shit up yourself.

A recent poll shows that the earth is flat. Details of the poll show 4 people asked, 2 were mentally handicapped and 1 was high on PCP. 75% of those polled agreed that the earth was flat.

Lé sigh. You're not a bright man.
Nitro, you created a thread based on a poll that asked 1,286 people, 809 of which are over 55, if they thought Faux Noose was a credible source of news. And it barely squeaked by. I wanted you to look at the entire picture, not just the soundbite. You were incapable of doing so, even after I spelled it out for you. I knew the answer before you provided it, I just wanted to see if you would actually look that shit up yourself.

A recent poll shows that the earth is flat. Details of the poll show 4 people asked, 2 were mentally handicapped and 1 was high on PCP. 75% of those polled agreed that the earth was flat.

Lé sigh. You're not a bright man.
The earth ISN'T flat? Mind = blown
Nitro, you created a thread based on a poll that asked 1,286 people, 809 of which are over 55, if they thought Faux Noose was a credible source of news. And it barely squeaked by. I wanted you to look at the entire picture, not just the soundbite. You were incapable of doing so, even after I spelled it out for you. I knew the answer before you provided it, I just wanted to see if you would actually look that shit up yourself.

A recent poll shows that the earth is flat. Details of the poll show 4 people asked, 2 were mentally handicapped and 1 was high on PCP. 75% of those polled agreed that the earth was flat.

Lé sigh. You're not a bright man.

Is that what you call winning? That must be how many fox viewers there are out of the 1,286. so there is that.
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Is that what you call winning? That must be how many fox viewers there are out of the 12,286. so there is that.


1,286, not 12,286. You and facts don't get along.

I said nothing of winning. You conceded that. I simply stated that your precious poll you hold so dear to your heart is biased and extremely narrow in scope. But I'm sure these are concepts you have a hard time grasping.

Have a wonderful day!!
View attachment 3443577

1,286, not 12,286. You and facts don't get along.

I said nothing of winning. You conceded that. I simply stated that your precious poll you hold so dear to your heart is biased and extremely narrow in scope. But I'm sure these are concepts you have a hard time grasping.

Have a wonderful day!!

Hey you bet-cha, I fixed my math for you, good job. And wish you also, a wonderful day.
You're not doing SCIENCE correctly. You see, when it's unseasonably cold, that's weather. When it's hot in the Summer, that's catastrophic climate change.

Didn't you get the memo?

you're an idiot.

You seem to be confused on what senile is. I did not chose to help gather scientific information for NOAA. They created a law that makes me gather scientific information for them , under force of losing my business and going to jail. If you can't distinguish between senile and the reality of forced scientific info gathering your diploma will mean very little as you continue to get closer to the cliff.

No, there is no part of what you do that has any value to scientific research ya senile dingus.
you voted for rawn pawl (R-TX) in 2008, cheered for a romney (R-MA) victory in 2012, and now have a signature endorsing walker (R-WI) for 2016.

reality is not your thing. no wonder you have me on ignore, i take you off your cloud.