Fox News Fear Mongering

I might, but that isn't really the point - there is that slippery slope you trot out so often. How does one get from poisoned water and earth and being protected from those things by the only - the only entity that is capable of doing so, to three point harnesses and crash helmets?

How did I get there you ask.

I'd be willing to bet that a person that lived in the 1950s and 60s is asking that very question, how in the hell did we get here.

Government chips away at our freedoms very slowly and patiently and it's always predicated on the fact they are there to protect us.

I'm not saying I want a lawless America but America would be better off with less laws.
I'm not saying I want a lawless America but America would be better off with less laws.

I agree with this. I'd like to see the war on drugs gone. But in its place, I'd like to see support systems in place that help those that need it as opposed to jailing them. Guns.. well we know my thoughts on that. Waaay more regulation on the fiduciary industry, from the money market to the mortgage market, and everything in between. I think we need a much more simplified tax system, not flat, but simplified, lose the loopholes. The government needs to revitalize the industrial revolution here, get people back to work. We need a more social economy, and I don't mean Twitter.

crap...brb, emergency in the house...
thanks for your concern ginwilly. crisis averted. slight problem with ratchet hangers and a t5. but all is well.
I want to know are you covered when you travel within the USA and what about out of country?

If I'm reading correctly, with Cover California, if you have a doctor in San Francisco and live in say, San Rafael or Walnut Creek, you lose that doctor because they are not in your county. Another Obamacare massive FAIL .
How did I get there you ask.

I'd be willing to bet that a person that lived in the 1950s and 60s is asking that very question, how in the hell did we get here.

Government chips away at our freedoms very slowly and patiently and it's always predicated on the fact they are there to protect us.

I'm not saying I want a lawless America but America would be better off with less laws.

Amen. America would be better off with a LOT less laws. Every federal law ought to have a sunset clause that requires a reconfirmation of each individual law, no bundling them in a package and voting for the entire package.
i know which one is at the top of your list: title II, civil rights.

AKA the law that allows all those black people to sit at the same lunch counter as you.

In 2004, presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) voted against a resolution praising the 1964 law banning whites-only lunch counters and employment discrimination because he claimed that “the Civil Rights Act of 1964 did not improve race relations or enhance freedom. Instead, the forced integration dictated by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 increased racial tensions while diminishing individual liberty.” Ron Paul’s views were recently echoed by his son, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), who claimed that opposing the ban on whites-only lunch counters is the “hard part about believing in freedom.”In an interview this morning on CNN, the younger Paul was asked to defend his father’s disregard for one of the most important legislative accomplishments in American history. His answer? Allowing private businesses to maintain a culture of virulent racism is the price we must pay in order to have cigar bars:

what's the matter?

you have spoken out at length in the past about how you dislike title II of civil rights, AKA the law that allows blacks to sit at the same lunch counter as you.

there is no denying it, you have criticized civil rights to no end when you weren't too busy joining white supremacy groups and calling the president an "affirmative action" president and talking about how blacks can't speak properly and are "incessantly" calling each other niggers.

and by the way, northerners passed civil rights. southern republicans and democrats alike voted against civil rights. try to get your history right.
what's the matter?

you have spoken out at length in the past about how you dislike title II of civil rights, AKA the law that allows blacks to sit at the same lunch counter as you.

there is no denying it, you have criticized civil rights to no end when you weren't too busy joining white supremacy groups and calling the president an "affirmative action" president and talking about how blacks can't speak properly and are "incessantly" calling each other niggers.

and by the way, northerners passed civil rights. southern republicans and democrats alike voted against civil rights. try to get your history right.

And you are the one that points out that whites receive the most welfare when it suits your argument yet still claim that calling Him the food stamp president is racist. Your mind works in mysterious ways.
How did I get there you ask.

I'd be willing to bet that a person that lived in the 1950s and 60s is asking that very question, how in the hell did we get here.

Government chips away at our freedoms very slowly and patiently and it's always predicated on the fact they are there to protect us.

I'm not saying I want a lawless America but America would be better off with less laws.

That is such a ridiculous claim. Less laws = Better America. That kind of speculation holds within a smug sense of liberty and freedom that conservatives feel an ownership of. They are alone in wanting "freedom" and define a government that is virtually useless in protecting the people. I want better laws and protection from corporate interests. The idea of the govt patiently chipping away our freedoms exists in the form of big money buying out the electorate. It is a certain type of paradigm that sees laws as oppressive by nature. The people who are generally indifferent to the oppressed and what truth is hiding in the shadows. If the corporation had a place in a better America it would certainly become more regulated.
That is such a ridiculous claim. Less laws = Better America. That kind of speculation holds within a smug sense of liberty and freedom that conservatives feel an ownership of. They are alone in wanting "freedom" and define a government that is virtually useless in protecting the people. I want better laws and protection from corporate interests. The idea of the govt patiently chipping away our freedoms exists in the form of big money buying out the electorate. It is a certain type of paradigm that sees laws as oppressive by nature. The people who are generally indifferent to the oppressed and what truth is hiding in the shadows. If the corporation had a place in a better America it would certainly become more regulated.

Be careful what you wish for... the last time the US wanted better laws and protections it got the Patriot act and NDAA, both of which have not increased safety and security, at home or abroad. Corporate America is having a field day profiting of what will no doubt, only get bigger and more costly...
That is such a ridiculous claim. Less laws = Better America. That kind of speculation holds within a smug sense of liberty and freedom that conservatives feel an ownership of. They are alone in wanting "freedom" and define a government that is virtually useless in protecting the people. I want better laws and protection from corporate interests. The idea of the govt patiently chipping away our freedoms exists in the form of big money buying out the electorate. It is a certain type of paradigm that sees laws as oppressive by nature. The people who are generally indifferent to the oppressed and what truth is hiding in the shadows. If the corporation had a place in a better America it would certainly become more regulated.

What is completely laughable about your assertions is the fact that the government is completely corporatized and makes laws to protect and enrich themselves. They have lobbiests create the very laws you are championing to *protect the little guy* which only serve to protect the corporations instead.

The politicians write the laws that make the unions and corporations happy and receive bribes in the form of donations to continue the process...

You seem to think that the laws the government passes are meant to protect you and that is laughable...
Be careful what you wish for... the last time the US wanted better laws and protections it got the Patriot act and NDAA, both of which have not increased safety and security, at home or abroad. Corporate America is having a field day profiting of what will no doubt, only get bigger and more costly...

The patriot act was the biggest violation of American freedom that was not a response to public interest, it was not a better law, it is unconstitutional, and a gift of the right.
The patriot act was the biggest violation of American freedom that was not a response to public interest, it was not a better law, it is unconstitutional, and a gift of the right.

It's an important tool for you to continue dealing with an ongoing terrorist threat