• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Fox News vs Rollitup.org - what's the difference?

Patrick Bateman

Active Member
Can someone with some sense explain to me why there are large gatherings of middle aged white people complaining about taxes when taxes went down this year?


Well-Known Member
Can someone with some sense explain to me why there are large gatherings of middle aged white people complaining about taxes when taxes went down this year?
Damn! Why didn't my taxes go down?:-( My shit stayed about the same. It was probably a little bit higher, actually, because my business made less money. :eyesmoke:

Look man, it's not that people are bitching about their taxes going up as much as they are afraid of what is coming due to the enormous amount of deficit spending, bailouts, obamacare, etc. A small increase here, a small one there adds up man! I own my own business and my wife works and we still have trouble making ends. We both make good money and don't own any toys or vacation homes. Hell, my wife drives a junker that's paid off and my vehicle is almost paid off. It's not getting any cheaper to live and nobody wants to downgrade their lifestyle. I think a lot of people are afraid of the uncertain, as well they should be. Almost everyone agrees that corruption is rampant in Washington yet we do nothing to fix it. I wish more people would think for themselves instead of spouting talking points from MSNBC, or Fox. We are headed for trouble folks. Some of us want to try to steer the boat out of harms way. bongsmilie


New Member
It's about having a govt. scrapping the constitution..... it's about a govt. which is selling out future generations HOPE for a better life.

The Tea party patriots are just that.... patriots.

They see the future, and cannot be bought off with welfare.


New Member
Can someone with some sense explain to me why there are large gatherings of middle aged white people complaining about taxes when taxes went down this year?[/QUOTE]

Sure, I'll be happy to explain it to you. The Tea Party movement isn't about taxes. Its about the federal government over reaching it's authority in every aspect of our lives. Its about the erosion of states rights. Its about the loss of economic and political liberty.

If you notice, the events are attended by a large amount of senior citizens. These are middle-of-the-road people, ordinary Americans who have provided the highest living standards in the history of the country. These are people from "The Greatest Generation" that saved us from Communism and Nazi fascism. These are people who became complacient because they were to damned busy raising a family and attempting to ensure that their children grew up in a better America than they did. These are people who have finally awakend to the fallicies of the Progressive Left ... and the disaster the Progressive Left has created. Most importantly, these are people who have come to the realization that if things aren't turned around quickly, future generations will be asking: "What the fuck were they thinking? Why did they leave us with an unsurmountable debt? Why did they leave us in poverty? Why did they leave us with no incentive to succeed? Why did they leave us with empty shelves at the supermarkets? Why didn't they do more to preserve the precious pearl of liberty for us? Why must I show my "papers" everywhere I go?"

Read your history, my friend.

Big P

Well-Known Member
you don't have to worry, you won't be remembered at all.

ill always remember him

him and Viredd, you can learn somthin from.

cant say that about most around here:bigjoint:

every time i age five years i look back at how stupid i was "back then" 5 years ago

it never fails. and i know it means 5 years from now i will look back on myself today and think, man was i stupid and nieve back then

funny tho i dont feel stupid and nieve today. but i know i am.


New Member
He chooses blindness. He cannot be helped UP.

P.S. TY Big P..... I will also remember you, although ur moniker will be a problem

There was this guy... big P

Big what?




like in pee?

Just f'n big P...I don't know, that's not the point!!

You can see my problem.... :lol:

Patrick Bateman

Active Member
Can someone with some sense explain to me why there are large gatherings of middle aged white people complaining about taxes when taxes went down this year?[/QUOTE]

Sure, I'll be happy to explain it to you. The Tea Party movement isn't about taxes. Its about the federal government over reaching it's authority in every aspect of our lives. Its about the erosion of states rights. Its about the loss of economic and political liberty.

If you notice, the events are attended by a large amount of senior citizens. These are middle-of-the-road people, ordinary Americans who have provided the highest living standards in the history of the country. These are people from "The Greatest Generation" that saved us from Communism and Nazi fascism. These are people who became complacient because they were to damned busy raising a family and attempting to ensure that their children grew up in a better America than they did. These are people who have finally awakend to the fallicies of the Progressive Left ... and the disaster the Progressive Left has created. Most importantly, these are people who have come to the realization that if things aren't turned around quickly, future generations will be asking: "What the fuck were they thinking? Why did they leave us with an unsurmountable debt? Why did they leave us in poverty? Why did they leave us with no incentive to succeed? Why did they leave us with empty shelves at the supermarkets? Why didn't they do more to preserve the precious pearl of liberty for us? Why must I show my "papers" everywhere I go?"

Read your history, my friend.


is something they pulled out of their asses?

I realize the reference to the Boston Tea Party but even that was based on taxation without representation

These are the same people who say they want less government and then show up to these rallies with signs saying "Keep your hands off my Medicare"

What exactly are the "things" that need to be turned around?

Which policies exactly are these people opposed to?

To claim that the Tea Party movement isn't about taxes is simply not true


New Member
No doubt the right wing slant is prevelent on this forum.

Encouraged is a better way to put it. Folks who have "broken from the mold" and have given the right-wing, wing-nuts a run for their money on this forum seem not to die, but to just fade away. :peace: :peace: :twisted: :twisted:

Big P

Well-Known Member
its not about taxes its about freedom

overtaxation is a form of slavery so its integrel in the mix

they call inflation the back door tax

the government can litterally steal all you money by printing it

its just like they went into your account and stole it

i got the biggest bonus i ever got this year at work, i have worked so hard this year and much of my income comes from bonuses.

get ready boys it was $20,000

you know i thought i was rich, till the fucked up government leeches got thier gruby hands on it, you know how much they fucking took?????

$9,000 fucking dollars!!!!!!!!!:cuss::cuss::cuss:

if it was anyone else who took my money they would be deadbongsmilie

i got a familiy to raise 0 savings 0 college funds and now check this out, these fuckin pigs still want more!!!!!!!!!!!

they are planning to impose a compleatly new tax on everything you purchase called a VAT

they will tax every product made at every point that it is marked up. thats fuckin right boys you thought cigs were pricey? you aint even seen pricey yet looool

if you think thats gonna help the price of american products sold over seas its not.

its gonna fuck me cuz im a salesman and i only sell american products

we have a hard enough time compeating already!!!!!!! with china and eastern europe

they are just driving all american business into the ground and half the country just sits there like idiots, who are they gonna cry to when no one is hiring because they burned out the flame of business in this country:cuss:

its slavery plain and simple. i wanna help pay for my country but i seem to be a slave for about 6 months out the fucking year!!!!. instead of taxing me they should just send me to a work camp for 6 months every year. Atleast they would be more honest about it:cuss: like China or North Korea

then the other six months i get to work to feed my family:dunce:

then after years of hard work when im old and tired if i try to leave anythign for my kids they gonna take fucking half of it agian!!!:cuss::cuss:



Obama suggests value-added tax may be an option

AP – President Barack Obama waves as he boards Air Force One at Los Angeles International Airport in Los Angeles …

By CHARLES BABINGTON, Associated Press Writer Charles Babington, Associated Press Writer – Wed Apr 21, 7:14 pm ET

WASHINGTON –President Barack Obama suggested Wednesday that a new value-added tax on Americans is still on the table, seeming to show more openness to the idea than his aides have expressed in recent days.

Before deciding what revenue options are best for dealing with the deficit and the economy, Obama said in an interview with CNBC, "I want to get a better picture of what our options are."

After Obama adviser Paul Volcker recently raised the prospect of a value-added tax, or VAT, the Senate voted 85-13 last week for a nonbinding "sense of the Senate" resolution that calls the such a tax "a massive tax increase that will cripple families on fixed income and only further push back America's economic recovery."

For days, White House spokesmen have said the president has not proposed and is not considering a VAT. (bold face liers!!!!!!!)

"I think I directly answered this the other day by saying that it wasn't something that the president had under consideration," White House press secretary Robert Gibbs told reporters shortly before Obama spoke with CNBC.

After the interview, White House deputy communications director Jen Psaki said nothing has changed and the White House is "not considering" a VAT. (LOL read the first line of the story LOL)

Many European countries impose a VAT, which taxes the value that is added at each stage of production of certain commodities. It could apply, for instance, to raw products delivered to a mill, the mill's production work and so on up the line to the retailer.

In the CNBC interview, Obama said he was waiting for recommendations from a bipartisan fiscal advisory commission on ways to tackle the deficit and other problems.

When asked if he could see a potential VAT in this nation, the president said: "I know that there's been a lot of talk around town lately about the value-added tax. That is something that has worked for some countries. It's something that would be novel for the United States."

"And before, you know, I start saying 'this makes sense or that makes sense,' I want to get a better picture of what our options are," Obama said.

He said his first priority "is to figure out how can we reduce wasteful spending so that, you know, we have a baseline of the core services that we need and the government should provide. And then we decide how do we pay for that."
Volcker has said taxes might have to be raised to slow the deficit's growth. He said a value-added tax "was not as toxic an idea" as it had been in the past.
Since then, some GOP lawmakers and conservative commentators have said the Obama administration is edging toward a VAT.


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Well-Known Member
taxation with representation?

what a fucking joke.
when was the last time YOUR congressmen/stae rep contacted you about your views on taxation?
the people are not represented... there bullied into submission by an out of control autonomous fed government with no accountability.
this style of government was built by the republicans, and advanced by the dems, over the past 60 years or so.
something that was intended to shock the economy out of the great depression and prepare heavy industry for a budding worldwide conflict has gotten so far out of control over the past 70 years, that most people dont even realize they were fucked the moment they were born into debt there government created, and spend there entire lifetime scrambling to try and get ahead when they cannot, due to a multitude of government policies.


New Member
It's not a slant.... there in lies ur problem. I vote for both parties all the time. It always depends on the candidate, and their stance on ALL the issues.

Obama is a loser all the way. It's that plain to see. America was HOPING for much much more than this.

I have estimated a huge republican take back in Congress now nearing CrackerJax 100% accuracy meter..... almost.... Obama has blown it in so many ways...it's hard to keep track of it.

He's quickly becoming a divider. Is that what he promised? :roll:


Well-Known Member
It's not a slant.... there in lies ur problem. I vote for both parties all the time. It always depends on the candidate, and their stance on ALL the issues.

Obama is a loser all the way. It's that plain to see. America was HOPING for much much more than this.

I have estimated a huge republican take back in Congress now nearing CrackerJax 100% accuracy meter..... almost.... Obama has blown it in so many ways...it's hard to keep track of it.

He's quickly becoming a divider. Is that what he promised? :roll:
i am gonna laugh when this 'republican' takeback doesn't happen.

and if you can say that anyone who doesn't support israel is an antisemite, then I can
say that if you don't support obama then you are a racist. it makes as much sense.
and if racism is a result of ignorance then it follows that if you don't support obama
you are not only a racist, but also ignorant. hurray!

on another note: cracker joined two months before i did, yet it says he has approx. 20,600 more posts than i do. how is this possible?

Patrick Bateman

Active Member
^ He is retired

The Dems will lose a few seats come November, nothing impactful

Both wings of the government are corporatist so Teabaggers lose either way


Active Member
taxation with representation?

what a fucking joke.
when was the last time YOUR congressmen/stae rep contacted you about your views on taxation?
That is an extremely stupid standard for representation. Absolutely nobody uses that standard, that is not how a republic is supposed to work at all. The idea is not that leaders call up every single citizen and say "How do you feel on this issue" and then tally up the opinions. Instead citizens are given the option to vote for leaders, those leaders then vote on the specific issues. It's a far more logical system than your crazy nonsense.

"Tea Party Patriots", as they so humbly refer to themselves, seem to think that because they disagree with the Obama administration that it's "taxation without representation". This is of course utterly ridiculous. If you are given the ability to vote and the election is legitimate, then you have representation. British colonists did not have that, that is why they used the slogan "No taxation without representation". The current situation is totally incomparable. You can't claim tyranny simply because your side lost the election. And yes, the tea party protesters do represent the Republican side.


New Member
i am gonna laugh when this 'republican' takeback doesn't happen.

and if you can say that anyone who doesn't support israel is an antisemite, then I can
say that if you don't support obama then you are a racist. it makes as much sense.
and if racism is a result of ignorance then it follows that if you don't support obama
you are not only a racist, but also ignorant. hurray!

on another note: cracker joined two months before i did, yet it says he has approx. 20,600 more posts than i do. how is this possible?
You must not get out much.....

ever read a serious newspaper?

Ever look at ANY recent polls?

I love it.... you will make this so much sweeter for me. TY....

The train is a coming.... it's rolling round the bend.

Why the heck do you think they wheeled out Clinton? They are hemorrhaging .... they know it... YOU do not

The dem's will lose HUGE in November.... and so far ... i have predicted everything right down the line.

You mat stay in denial.... it actually helps the rest of us take the country back. Ur perfect examples for all passing viewers on what's wrong with the country. Keep these posts coming!! They are a tonic.


Well-Known Member
That is an extremely stupid standard for representation. Absolutely nobody uses that standard, that is not how a republic is supposed to work at all. The idea is not that leaders call up every single citizen and say "How do you feel on this issue" and then tally up the opinions. Instead citizens are given the option to vote for leaders, those leaders then vote on the specific issues. It's a far more logical system than your crazy nonsense.

"Tea Party Patriots", as they so humbly refer to themselves, seem to think that because they disagree with the Obama administration that it's "taxation without representation". This is of course utterly ridiculous. If you are given the ability to vote and the election is legitimate, then you have representation. British colonists did not have that, that is why they used the slogan "No taxation without representation". The current situation is totally incomparable. You can't claim tyranny simply because your side lost the election. And yes, the tea party protesters do represent the Republican side.
who said I had a side to begin with? not me..... dont lecture me on history either, unless you would like a lesson.
and your completely, utterly missing my point. Im well aware of how our government functions. you could say Im painfully aware.
"Tea Party Patriots", as they so humbly refer to themselves
there not patriots... there simply self glorifying there current anti obama stance. i really hope you were leaning towards sarcasm with that comment...
You can't claim tyranny
I didnt. the word never appeared in my post. was there suggestions leaning towards that? possibly, if thats how YOU chose to interpret it. but please dont put words in my mouth. thats whats called libel. you could get sued for it in lots of places.
That is an extremely stupid standard for representation. Absolutely nobody uses that standard, that is not how a republic is supposed to work at all.
ever heard of hyperbole? from this statement, its apparent you havent.... get a clue man. call me stupid again, and i will take apart every post you have ever made on this site, and make it my personal business to expose every single flaw, every single error, and make sure you look like a fool. it probably wont be that difficult.

now that THAT is out of the way, let me elaborate on the intentions of my original post, to ease tempers a bit.
my opening stateent about representation was meant to convey the fact that, the vast majority of the american public feels as if they are NOT represented properly by there elected officials. take a survey yourself, ask your friends, neighbors, family members, and even a random stranger or 2. ask them if they feel like they are represented accurately by there elected officials... the amount of money it takes to get elected to high office is a solid barrier to all but the people with very deep pockets. its nice being wealthy, but it takes hard work. so much work in fact that most people in those positions are completely out of touch with what most americans face on a daily basis.
THATS what i meant... i used an inflammatory statement to provoke images... aka hyperbole.
to even insinuate that i beleive the nation should conduct polls on every legislative issue, is completely naive.