The party in power always loses seats in the midterms..............always! How many they will lose remains to be seen. It has been a long time since the country has been so divided. Regardless of what network's news you watch or what polls you've seen, the reality is that a lot of people oppose obamacare. Some of fhe polls show a slight majority oppose it. Some show a slight majority in favor. Either way you slice it is bad for the dems. Thank your glorious leader for that sad fact.i am gonna laugh when this 'republican' takeback doesn't happen.
and if you can say that anyone who doesn't support israel is an antisemite, then I can
say that if you don't support obama then you are a racist. it makes as much sense.
and if racism is a result of ignorance then it follows that if you don't support obama
you are not only a racist, but also ignorant. hurray!
on another note: cracker joined two months before i did, yet it says he has approx. 20,600 more posts than i do. how is this possible?
You know I was going to refute this but then I realized that it's a quote, and you can't argue with a quote! Spoken like a true Fox News viewer. [Edit: That's not fair, even I watch Fox News occasionally to keep tabs on them, not everyone that watches Fox News' programming is an idiot, but that doesn't mean the opposite's true either.]Glenn Beck, and Sean Hannity speak with cold hard facts. They show video and/or record quotes giving proof of what this current administration's real agenda is.
There's no arguing with facts and quotes
very true. alot of people on here are too young to remember or ignorant of the fact that national healthcare was originated by ted kennedy in the 70's, as his ticket to a presidential election, via the votes of the poor who had no insurance at the time.... wait.. that sounds awfully familair, doesnt it?The party in power always loses seats in the midterms..............always! How many they will lose remains to be seen. It has been a long time since the country has been so divided. Regardless of what network's news you watch or what polls you've seen, the reality is that a lot of people oppose obamacare. Some of fhe polls show a slight majority oppose it. Some show a slight majority in favor. Either way you slice it is bad for the dems. Thank your glorious leader for that sad fact.This sort of massive legislation being passed in the manner it was angered a lot of constituents. They won't forget so quickly. Even if obamacare is the wonderful fix that the progressives claim, nobody will see any benefit before the elections so heads are gonna roll!
As for Cracker having way more posts than you.............he obviously spends more time on here than you. Duh!![]()
God, you're so dense. I was being extremely sarcastic, it couldn't have been more clear.there not patriots... there simply self glorifying there current anti obama stance. i really hope you were leaning towards sarcasm with that comment...
I didn't put any words in your mouth. I was obviously responding to what the protesters think, and I made that clear. I'm pretty sure you can't sue someone because of your own inability to read properly.I didnt. the word never appeared in my post. was there suggestions leaning towards that? possibly, if thats how YOU chose to interpret it. but please dont put words in my mouth. thats whats called libel. you could get sued for it in lots of places.
A very poor excuse. If you're going to state a ridiculous standard for "representation" then at least have the courage to stand by it.ever heard of hyperbole? from this statement, its apparent you havent.... get a clue man.
You're me stupid again, and i will take apart every post you have ever made on this site, and make it my personal business to expose every single flaw, every single error, and make sure you look like a fool.
Ease tempers? You're the one that seems worked up, not that THAT is out of the way, let me elaborate on the intentions of my original post, to ease tempers a bit.
my opening stateent about representation was meant to convey the fact that, the vast majority of the american public feels as if they are NOT represented properly by there elected officials. take a survey yourself, ask your friends, neighbors, family members, and even a random stranger or 2. ask them if they feel like they are represented accurately by there elected officials... the amount of money it takes to get elected to high office is a solid barrier to all but the people with very deep pockets. its nice being wealthy, but it takes hard work. so much work in fact that most people in those positions are completely out of touch with what most americans face on a daily basis.
THATS what i meant... i used an inflammatory statement to provoke images... aka hyperbole.
to even insinuate that i beleive the nation should conduct polls on every legislative issue, is completely naive.
I'd sure like to see some credulous back up to this rant. In my humble opinion, the exact opposite does occur. If left un-regulated, IE the Massey mine fiasco for example, capitalists would stop at nothing to expand their profits at everyone elses expense. Pretty much how the world works now with very few exceptions, unless a government regulator steps in and halts their idiocy. Believe it or not, government has a role to play in society, and stopping unfettered greed at the workers expense, or the consumers expense (Tainted food products, lead in toys etc.) is a key role.ok well... the thing is when you get into governmental interventions more often than not we see failures. IMO a truly free market without federal regulations would improve competition in nearly all markets. the problem is that governmental intervention has allowed the corporate few to rape its customers while widespread dissidense is occuring. In a truly free market any company that is prercieved as rapind its clients or even a slight taking of advantage would be discarded and ultimately deemed unprofitable further deturring others form attempting to take advantage of customers. You have to realise that half of your purchases are based on experience or second hand experience from a customer. If people are unhappy with a service the void will be filled with some one else looking to make money. thats why a free market works. it actively protects itself from unnecessary cost spikes and unsavory characters. in any form of gov't there will always be the 1% that controls 80% of the wealth. only in a true free market are those people recognized as crooks and expose their pitfalls hoping to encourage competition... rant and rant some more i will... yoda i am...
[youtube]BHq2gwoYphw[/youtube]The funny thing about this all is that the right wing deity Ronald Reagan enjoyed almost the exact same ratings as Obama up to this point
Reagan, who cut taxes in the top bracket from 70% to 28% over 7 years, increased the national debt from $700 million to $3 trillion.
During the Recession of 1982, the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act was enacted - a 3 year $100 billion tax hike, the largest since WW2
Excise taxes on cigarettes doubled and those on telephone services tripled - temporarily
In December 1982, the unemployment rate stood at 10.8%
2 years later, thanks to deficit spending and lowered interest rates, all the angry people forgot about the recession and Ronny was re-elected
The End
Uhhh, you mean wall street thieves like you?? I say good riddance. Make money profiteering illegal. What is it that wall street boys really do?? Oh that's right, they make money right out of thin air. They bet the market will go up, then short it on the way down. Gambling with everyones money. Like the "Bailout", they make money when it's good, and when it's bad, we the peoiple bail their asses out. They got bonuses??? they should have been shot.Yes, cutting back everyone's potential to make $$$ for themselves always makes a country stronger. Uh huh.....
Better seal off the borders at some point...because the TRUE producers are going to leave you with ur high ideals.
you sound like a stalininst.Uhhh, you mean wall street thieves like you?? I say good riddance. Make money profiteering illegal. What is it that wall street boys really do?? Oh that's right, they make money right out of thin air. They bet the market will go up, then short it on the way down. Gambling with everyones money. Like the "Bailout", they make money when it's good, and when it's bad, we the peoiple bail their asses out. They got bonuses??? they should have been shot.
no he doesn't. he sounds like most of sound like a stalininst.
saying that someone should be summarily executed for making mistakes is a little harsh...
Lol, where did I go wrong?PB had abdicated any sense of intellect.... that didn't take long at all.