Foxfarm Happy frog or ocean forest ???

Three Berries

Well-Known Member
Have some OG Ksh peanuts stashed away, anxious to get them going but are in line behind the MAC1 at the moment, looking forward to your grow. Do you have a grow log going?
No official log, just notes. It's my last one, sister seed didn't sprout. Good strain and easy to grow. I have two in 7th week of flower now too.


Well-Known Member
Happy frog w/ added perlite, mycorrhizae added when transplanting. I usually ph 6.6-7.0 due to the acid buffer they put in it.
** I've noticed big differences in ordering from Amazon vs. local . Amazon bags sometimes comes with gnats ect.. I've got a couple local nurseries that sell it and have had nothing but good experiences and zero bugs. I believe it all the same shit, it's just how old is it ,and how is it stored....


Well-Known Member
** I've noticed big differences in ordering from Amazon vs. local . Amazon bags sometimes comes with gnats ect.. I've got a couple local nurseries that sell it and have had nothing but good experiences and zero bugs. I believe it all the same shit, it's just how old is it ,and how is it stored....
Good to know!! thanks.


Well-Known Member
Good to know, thanks, I Googled Roots Organics and first thing up was the Coco mix. I'll take another look, thanks for info. My current grow, (almost ready for harvest) is with a similar soil (Vermisoil) and I had no idea it was Coco yeah, know your soil guys when growing. ( yes first grow for me so learning tons as I go here) good thing this stuff is weed, because you know, it grows like weed.
Yeah, fungus gnats are a battle for me enough in the summer as it is because of where I live so when I saw them in the soil as I opened the bags it really drove me nuts. It's easy enough to get rid of them in veg but just not a problem I wanted to pay for. Try a couple of brands as you go, you'll find what works best for your style of growing. Just try making small changes at a time and dial it in. Best of luck.


New Member
I HATE the soil I use now.

which is called thunderhead from my hydro shop.

Ill be growing 3 snow white Feminized plants.

Should I use happy frog or ocean forrest?
Go to a local farm ask for chicken horse cow shit in the fall put it in plastic totes
Go to the woods get old decaying leaves
Go fishing chop up the fish u catch
Mix it all together and bam in the spring u gunna grow without ever having to add anything my dads been doing it for 30 years and grows some of the best shit without ever buying anything

bird dog

Well-Known Member
I HATE the soil I use now.

which is called thunderhead from my hydro shop.

Ill be growing 3 snow white Feminized plants.

Should I use happy frog or ocean forrest?
I have used both in the past and had good results from them and several others (i.e., Fox Farms Organic). In my opinion, they are no better than buying good potting soil at Walmart and mix it appropriately with moss, rocks, and other material to promote movement and drainage. Regardless of my humble opinion, you are thinking smart, as many don't. Bubblegum here that I bred 2 years ago. Good luck grower!

