Ugh quoting people takes so long! Anywho, @tyler.durden @ttystikk I only posted peens on members pages that I considered friends and a few folks I thought were funny. It was my way of saying "I love ya! now here, check out my peen!" The only persons page that I posted a peen on that wouldnt be considered my homie was justugh, but who gets that guy anyway? Still, I didn't feel like he should left without peen love just because I dont understand him. To all the ladies, I didn't post 8===D on your pages outta respeck and plus thats gay.
you're a stand up dude
I miss @Unclebaldrick more than those two dummies. This place is shit without him.
He's really gone and not coming back? I thought i saw him last week. That would suck, hes a entertaining mofo..WTF is with everyone bailing?

there should be a warning when you click the TnT that reads **Warning obsessive offensive language and Graphic material enter at your own risk** then we could do away with the rules in the TnT and have a real free for all royal rumble
Ugh quoting people takes so long! Anywho, @tyler.durden @ttystikk I only posted peens on members pages that I considered friends and a few folks I thought were funny. It was my way of saying "I love ya! now here, check out my peen!" The only persons page that I posted a peen on that wouldnt be considered my homie was justugh, but who gets that guy anyway? Still, I didn't feel like he should left without peen love just because I dont understand him. To all the ladies, I didn't post 8===D on your pages outta respeck and plus thats gay.
Where's my dick.. You told me you loved me :cry:
there should be a warning when you click the TnT that reads **Warning obsessive offensive language and Graphic material enter at your own risk** then we could do away with the rules in the TnT and have a real free for all royal rumble

I always thought of TnT like sports locker room...

We do all have something in common bongsmilie and...

You're not going to talk to straight people about it...if ya know what I mean...

You get on your teammates shit all the time in sports, but it's never're on the same team.