I think something like haight, and a couple others. He did take the time to post penises on several members' personal pages, including mine, so I'll have that to tide me over until he returns ;)

Have never chatted with Gary before, but I was privileged enough to get one of his cocks on my profile page.

He is a funny cunt.
He made me laugh straight up.


They wouldn't have banned him for a few cocks on peoples walls.
Ugh quoting people takes so long! Anywho, @tyler.durden @ttystikk I only posted peens on members pages that I considered friends and a few folks I thought were funny. It was my way of saying "I love ya! now here, check out my peen!" The only persons page that I posted a peen on that wouldnt be considered my homie was justugh, but who gets that guy anyway? Still, I didn't feel like he should left without peen love just because I dont understand him. To all the ladies, I didn't post 8===D on your pages outta respeck and plus thats gay.
Mm on slow mode

What's slow mode?

Ugh quoting people takes so long! Anywho,
@tyler.durden @ttystikk I only posted peens on members pages that I considered friends and a few folks I thought were funny. It was my way of saying "I love ya! now here, check out my peen!" The only persons page that I posted a peen on that wouldnt be considered my homie was justugh, but who gets that guy anyway? Still, I didn't feel like he should left without peen love just because I dont understand him. To all the ladies, I didn't post 8===D on your pages outta respeck and plus thats gay.

I feel so special, being one of the select few.
Appreciate the love brother....

Which thread was deleted?
Was it the one that you were giving out free lollypops? Lol

A. He's not banned
B. Go look in the mirror

Look in the mirror?
What are you taking about buddy, I thought it was a crack up.

Free GaryGoodson!

I thought he was in the naughty corner......

That is all.

You told someone to go kill them self
Buck says that all the time.


As well he should.

You ever actually read what some of those racist antisemitic losers say over there in politics?

Nobody is going to kill themselves anyway. If you have truely offensive beliefs, expect to be offended in return.

shouldn't the same rules apply for everyone though? You can either post things like that or you can't.