Fresh Horse Manure - Can you use it?


Well-Known Member
Where i live there is always horses quite nearby, and there is always horse droppings on paths and lanes etc. Was wondering if you can use this to fertilize the weed plant and what steps you have to take to make sure it doesn't harm the plant. Obviously you can buy bat guano, horse turd and chicken dung just to name a few at garden stores etc but it is processed etc etc. So just wondering if you can use fresh stuff or not? Thanks


Patrick Bateman

Active Member
Fresh manure is usually pretty hot

Composting the manure gives organisms which make nutrients available for plants (bacteria, fungi, nematodes, protozoa, earthworms, arthropods) time to establish and multiply, further enriching the manure

I'm sure you could use fresh manure, just be sure it is not burning your plants