Fridge Grow/Clone Box (with a twist)


Well-Known Member
And last but not… well, yea, the least… the dwarf.
Heck, it's alive, I'll put her under the MH light in a little over a week and maybe get a few tasty nugs from that one.


Well-Known Member
very nice, is the hood embedded into the fridge itself? very ingenious :peace:
No, that is my AeroGarden Aeroponic plant starter.
I have it in the spare bedroom now.
I will be removing the plants from this and transplanting them into the fridge on Oct 2nd.
Then they will be under these lights.
Metal Halide during veg and switched to Low Pressure Sodium for flowering….l
The little CFL is for UVB rays.


Well-Known Member
Just selectively defoliated the Tard.
Took 5 big fan leaves off that were shading the new bud sites.
It looks like where I FIMed this one will be 4 or maybe 5 tops.
This one is gonna be a bushy monster !


Well-Known Member
I will be home from my trip one week from today and THEN I will be transplanting.
I cannot WAIT to get them under that 400 watt Metal Halide light!


Well-Known Member
A couple shots of the FIM on the Tard.
It looks like there might be in excess of 4 or 5 tops coming from there!

The FIM on the Dwarf did NOT take, so I topped that one yesterday.
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Well-Known Member
Question for you all….
Right now my roots are sitting in the soup, as it were.
Swimming in the nutrients and seemingly loving it.
When I transplant to the buckets full of GrowStone, I am planning on feeding with top drip rings… 8 times a day for 15 mins each time while in veg and 6 times a day in flower. (every 2 hours, only with lights on)

Some say this will over feed/water, but they are swimming in the food now.
The Growstone holds water VERY well.

My thinking is that this will FEED quite enough, while giving some oxygen to the roots in between feedings. and even with lights out and no feeding going on for 12 hours (flower) they will still be kept moist enough with the liquid in the stones.
There will always be a little solution in the bottom of the flood tray too and maybe cause the roots to reach????
What say you all ???


Well-Known Member
I was thinking, why not start a little LST now?
Got some Christmas ornament hangar wires and some of my 1oz fishing weights and….
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