G-Damn those SPCA Commercials


Active Member
They really almost tear me up sometimes. What can I say, I love animals. I got my dog from spca, so it tugs even more at my heart strings.

Tryin to spread the message. If you want to get a dog/cat, before you do anything, check out your spca... I found the coolest, best dog I've ever met, seriously. Fuck breeders tryin to make money... save a life. GO to SPCA. I found the best friend I've ever known, and it only cost me $150 with shots and everything taken care of... he even has a microchip in case he runs away (which is useless cause he'll never even think about leaving)



Well-Known Member
:clap: +rep for you life aka drew, what a nice young man, seriously dude we tear up at my house too, have 2 rescues here purrrrrrr


Well-Known Member
i got my kitty cat from a shelter about 8 and a half years ago but she was just a kitten.

she's now big and fat, but i love my fatass cat. i call her name once and she comes running to find me.


New Member
my first cat came from a shelter. He was all by him self playing with the curtain string and I just had to have him. We had this home made mattress/big pillow kinda thing with fur and when he got home he went on his side and dug his claws into it and scooted around it. I called him scooter after that.

Our dog now was bred and was give to us by my aunt for free, but if I were to get one it'd be from a shelter


Active Member
Ya those commercials should be banned becuz i sure it makes alot of people tear up, i always change the channels when they come on cuz i feel horrible for the animals....


Well-Known Member
they always play those damn commercials late at night when im laying in bed stoned. its a buzz kill. they always find the most fucked up videos/images possible. its intended to make us feel guilty duh! juts like the old guy with the kids from the 3rd world counties. then to top it off your $1 donation doesnt even all go to the kids...they get 20% aint that a bitch? (says so in the fine print on the bottom of the screen).

im like fuk u you damn old rich white bastard. why dont YOU feed them since you're already there!

remember half of these commercials are scams. i dont doubt there are really abused animals or sick starving children but these people behind the commercials have their hands out for a piece of the $. i refuse to believe that pocket change per day will feed one of those starving kids for a day. no no no.

so remember believe nothing you hear and half of what you see ;)


Well-Known Member
oh btw im a dog owner who loves his dog but fuck giving my money away to some people who are gonna pocket a percentage if they really wanna help give all our donation to the sick kids/abused animals.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Every single one of my animals came from the SPCA. I think they know we saved them, I swear you can see it in their eyes.


Well-Known Member
so what no spca horror stories? ie no one ever has gotten an animal that just turned on them and bit the fuk out of them?

thats my issue with getting an abused animal...i dont want the fuker to try and rip me apart lol


New Member
most animals aren't abused. Mine was found in a dumpster eating food. Also once the animal realizes you're nice to it, it won't attack you. They don't bite the hand that feeds them.

My old neighbour before he died had a huge aggressive pitbull mixed with some other dog. It was beaten like daily by it's old owner and the neighbour had no problems with it. It would however kill anyone else though


Well-Known Member
so what no spca horror stories? ie no one ever has gotten an animal that just turned on them and bit the fuk out of them?

thats my issue with getting an abused animal...i dont want the fuker to try and rip me apart lol
they do aggression tests with every dog. they put a plastic hand up to its bowl while its eating to see if theyll bite it. and they bring it around other dogs to see their reaction. if they show any aggression, usually they are just put down because its not safe to adopt them out into the public.