Gay Boy Scouts?


Well-Known Member
Haha, taking one of my pics from weeks or more ago to compare to your scraggly crap. I'll post my regular stuff anytime. Even if anyone were to look at the thread they will see that you pulling the smallest version posted on 12/19/2013.

We can go plant to plant anytime bro. Just shows you talk way more than working on your plants. I'd love to pit my grow room vs yours.
and still no pics... go back to bed kontra, youre not a grower
on a 1-10 scale of how good of a grower you are... youre finshaggy
ah there was a pic... this is the latest one lol


thats nice man :-|
just look at all the stress on that plant lol... throw that thing out and start over.......................................


Well-Known Member
Haha, taking one of my pics from weeks or more ago to compare to your scraggly crap. I'll post my regular stuff anytime. Even if anyone were to look at the thread they will see that you pulling the smallest version posted on 12/19/2013.

We can go plant to plant anytime bro. Just shows you talk way more than working on your plants. I'd love to pit my grow room vs yours.
shake your dick all you want, you're still a bigot whether i grow crap or you grow gold.

i don't grow to win any awards, i grow to put food on my table.

you can suck my dick, but only if you make me pancakes first. consider it.


Well-Known Member
I won't really condemn any of you for various levels of personal homophobia. Mostly because it doesn't help, but also because I know that it's a fairly common thing. The only way to eat away at it is to take down the bullshit restrictions like no gays in scouting. The more the interaction, the less ignorance. Gay or straight, people are people. Some are cool and some are jagwads. It's got nothing to do with where they like to put their pee pee (etc.).

Some of you need to learn some shit before putting your opinions out there. For example, I am not Catholic but I know that the Catholic church does not allow gay priests! so any problems being experienced by the Catholic church do not stem from allowing gay priests into the Catholic church.


Well-Known Member
It's not an air freshner. It's poison. Have fun smoking poison.
i have one in my veg room, but i read the warning and wouldn't put one in the flower room.

i forget what the poison was about it though, do you happen to recall or have a link? just curious.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I've read that the half-life of Dichlorvos is pretty short, something like several hours, but I'm still uncomfortable using poison.


Well-Known Member
I've read that the half-life of Dichlorvos is pretty short, something like several hours, but I'm still uncomfortable using poison.
i honestly feel like it's superstition. it doesn't seem to do much. the mites respond to the neem much better.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
The point of letting gay scouts in the boy scouts isn't about gay boys.
It's about letting lesbians in the boy scouts.

Obama wants everyone to have a chance.


Well-Known Member
i honestly feel like it's superstition. it doesn't seem to do much. the mites respond to the neem much better.
Yeah neem really is pretty awesome stuff. Nature vs nature shit. Luckily I've ever only had fungus gnats which occurred this last go round. Sticky traps ,neem and bti effictively wiped them out. Biological warfare ftw.


Well-Known Member
The point of letting gay scouts in the boy scouts isn't about gay boys.
It's about letting lesbians in the boy scouts.

Obama wants everyone to have a chance.
it's a good thing bigots like you exist to hold people back based on their arbitrary skin color, nationality, or sexual orientation.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
it's a good thing bigots like you exist to hold people back based on their arbitrary skin color, nationality, or sexual orientation.
And it's jackasses like you that fuck up organisations that have existed for years.

It's called the Boy Scouts because it's about young men.
It's called the Girl Scouts because it's about young women.

Why don't you try to join the black Panthers?

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
sometimes young men are gay, so we should probably exclude them from learning how to tie a bowline knot according to you.
Let me repeat myself.

  • The point of letting gay scouts in the boy scouts isn't about gay boys.
    It's about letting lesbians in the boy scouts.



Well-Known Member
Let me repeat myself.

  • The point of letting gay scouts in the boy scouts isn't about gay boys.
    It's about letting lesbians in the boy scouts.

so what?

who cares if girls are in the boy scouts? who cares if boys are in the girl scouts?

are gender roles really this important to you?

does it frighten you and cause you fear that the world is changing around you? that men can take care of children and women can work if they so choose?

even if your absurd conspiracy theory were true, which it is not, then what?

if a lesbian child learns how to cook pancakes by campfire, are you injured by this?

the only people complaining that a gay teen canoes 50 miles down the river with his buddies (and proposing ridiculous slippery slope nonsense) are bigoted people like you.

why so unaccepting of others?