General Betray Us?.............


New Member
well said my friend well said +rep
Hey pussy panda or whatever, Pull your head out. The bush agenda is imperialistic warmongering for profit, period. Prove me wrong dorkwad. Show me some solid gains made in Iraq. Is there not 600,000 dead Iraqis, Prove it. Is there not 2 million displaced Iraqis, Prove it. Are there not 3700 dead Americans and 20,000+ severely wounded, prove it. Show me what your great leader has done to make you kiss his ass. Are not the Iraqi people drinking water out of the Tigress river that has dead bodies floating down it, because there's not enough electricity to run the water purification plant, Prove it. Are not there thousands of Iraqis mostly children with cancer from depleted uranium shells, prove it. you talk bullshit Bush rhetoric, look at the facts and get back to me, or maybe you are too brainwashed to see them, I'd bet on the latter.


Well-Known Member
Hey pussy panda or whatever, Pull your head out. The bush agenda is imperialistic warmongering for profit, period. Prove me wrong dorkwad. Show me some solid gains made in Iraq. Is there not 600,000 dead Iraqis, Prove it. Is there not 2 million displaced Iraqis, Prove it. Are there not 3700 dead Americans and 20,000+ severely wounded, prove it. Show me what your great leader has done to make you kiss his ass. Are not the Iraqi people drinking water out of the Tigress river that has dead bodies floating down it, because there's not enough electricity to run the water purification plant, Prove it. Are not there thousands of Iraqis mostly children with cancer from depleted uranium shells, prove it. you talk bullshit Bush rhetoric, look at the facts and get back to me, or maybe you are too brainwashed to see them, I'd bet on the latter.
Please stop regurgitating the same post, it was outdated 38 no 39 posts ago.

I challenge any of you arm-chair generals to come up with a strategy or anything other than re-posted bullshit about how bush is bad and osama is good and misunderstood and its all our fault, blah, blah, fuckin blah. :wall:

Then again arguing about this is like masturbating with a cheese grater, mildly amusing but its more painful than its worth.


New Member
Please stop regurgitating the same post, it was outdated 38 no 39 posts ago.

I challenge any of you arm-chair generals to come up with a strategy or anything other than re-posted bullshit about how bush is bad and osama is good and misunderstood and its all our fault, blah, blah, fuckin blah. :wall:

Then again arguing about this is like masturbating with a cheese grater, mildly amusing but its more painful than its worth.
I can see I'm debating with Idiots. When did I ever say Osama was good. I will repeat that Bush is bad and refer you to the last 38-39 posts to back this up. I can see that even by hitting you in the head with a sledgehammer, it wouldn't change your narrow mind, so please don't bother to debate me with right wing drivel, "Bush Quotes" or his lapdog generals opinions. I thank you in advance.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Then again arguing about this is like masturbating with a cheese grater, mildly amusing but its more painful than its worth.

it would be amusing to see you masterbate with a cheese grater....

when people are dying... it is expected that TEMPERS run hi.... and people cant hink straight.. and the negativity spreads.. and anger spreads....

it is the NATURE (LOL) of negativity and war and killing..... it spreads like wild fire into the unconcious drones that inhabit.. mama earth....

Have more US soldiers died IIN iraq then people died in the wtc?

and if so... which I think it is so.. then, does that mean that we should have a civil war to attack the governemet cause the governemet has killed more people than the terrorists.. thus making the governement.. sorta lke super terrorists...

or do you prefer mega terrorists...

or wait
how about

X-treme terrorist = government...


dying boys of any ethnicity or nation or any fake label seems sooooo... soo...

heart wrenching... killing peoples kids... yikes.. yucky....


New Member
In their effort to make a point, shot the entire Democrat Party in the ass. The backlash from that ad will be felt from now until the elections in '08. Each Democrat candidate will have to state if they agreed with that ad or not. The fact is, many, if not most of the Democrats in power, are now marching to the orders of the Ultra-Left, Moveon, Code Pink crowd. They are afraid of opposing them because they will lose the massive funding being provided to them by the Lefto-Pinko/Commie bastards. Now there it is, out in the open with that full page ad that appeared in the New York Times. These people are not patriots. They are Ultra-Leftwing scum, who are fully invested in America's defeat in the Middle East. They honestly don't care if we lose the war against the terrorists who want every American, Christian & Jew dead ... as long as Bush loses as well.

Could you guyz believe the screams from that woman at the hearings? Damn, how would you like to be married to that bitch?


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
The backlash from that ad will be felt from now until the elections in '08. Each Democrat candidate will have to state if they agreed with that ad or not. The fact is, many, if not most of the Democrats in power, are now marching to the orders of the Ultra-Left, Moveon crowd. They are afraid of opposing them because the will lose the massive funding being provided by the Lefto-Pinko/Commie bastards. There it is, out in the open with that full page ad that appeared in the New York Times. These people are not patriots. They are Ultra-Leftwing scum, fully invested in America's defeat in the Middle East.

Could you guyz believe the screams from that woman at the hearings? Damn, how would you like to be married to that bitch?


If you can blow out on the candles on your birthday cake this year VI... i may consider granting you your wish... although you have really out done yourself this year... i remember 3 years ago, you wanted WMD's... adn I thought it was pretty silly.. and of course, it was just a bit much to grant you since you only blew out 2/3's of your candles ...

I do admire your imagination....

why don't you just wish for something simple... something similiar to what your chronies wish for.... like a hand job from dick cheney in the Lincoln Room... i can do that for you, even if you only blow out 1/16th of your candles..

the birthday wish granter



Well-Known Member
I can see I'm debating with Idiots. When did I ever say Osama was good. I will repeat that Bush is bad and refer you to the last 38-39 posts to back this up. I can see that even by hitting you in the head with a sledgehammer, it wouldn't change your narrow mind, so please don't bother to debate me with right wing drivel, "Bush Quotes" or his lapdog generals opinions. I thank you in advance.

And on that note YouTube - Peanut Butter Jelly Time


Well-Known Member
The war has been terribly run ( and should not have been started at all ). The war has been a failure since it began. Just like Korea, and Vietnam we will wind up loading up the choppers and hustling out. And the day we leave wil be the day the true free for all begins in Iraq. There will be genocide-O-plenty. We will have to have a reasonable presence over there indefinitely.

So they threw more American lives into the meatgrinder and had minimal increases in enemy KIA and captures. By coincidence this has also been the single most bloody summer of the entire war as far as American casualties. So what have we gained?
Is is a good thing that we traded 50 American lives for 50 random arabs? Hell no.


Well-Known Member
Have more US soldiers died IIN iraq then people died in the wtc?

and if so... which I think it is so.. then, does that mean that we should have a civil war to attack the governemet cause the governemet has killed more people than the terrorists.. thus making the governement.. sorta lke super terrorists...


Ya but garden, when the japs attacked pearl harbor they killed around 2,000 sailers. are you suggesting that we should not have declared war on the japanese cuz a great deal many more men had to sacrifice thier lives than were killed in the inicial attack on pearl harbor?

image japan would probably still be enslaving most of south east asia let alone been a mega force in asia to asisst Hitler in his earth cleansing agenda.



New Member
Ya but garden, when the japs attacked pearl harbor they killed around 2,000 sailers. are you suggesting that we should not have declared war on the japanese cuz a great deal many more men had to sacrifice thier lives than were killed in the inicial attack on pearl harbor?

image japan would probably still be enslaving most of south east asia let alone been a mega force in asia to asisst Hitler in his earth cleansing agenda.

This is not 1941, have we learned nothing in 66 years. I was born in 1941, I'd sure hate to think I've learned nothing since. The world moves on but it seems mankind is stuck in the warring rut. There was no legitimate reason to attack Iraq, just as there is no legitimate reason to attack Iran. It is the imperialistic domination of the neo-conic Bush regime that is responsible for almost a million uncalled for deaths in Iraq. Wake the fuck up.


Well-Known Member
This is not 1941, have we learned nothing in 66 years. I was born in 1941, I'd sure hate to think I've learned nothing since. The world moves on but it seems mankind is stuck in the warring rut. There was no legitimate reason to attack Iraq, just as there is no legitimate reason to attack Iran. It is the imperialistic domination of the neo-conic Bush regime that is responsible for almost a million uncalled for deaths in Iraq. Wake the fuck up.

are you trying to say that democrats have nothing to do with American imperialism? neo-con republicans just took the idea from liberal dems and ran with it.



New Member
are you trying to say that democrats have nothing to do with American imperialism? neo-con republicans just took the idea from liberal dems and ran with it.

Not at all, there is culpability all around. I will say this though, I doubt the Iraq war would exist had Gore won in 00. It is definently the imperialistic view of the Neo-cons and the Bush regime in particular that put us in Iraq and now want to start with Iran, a disaster of magnanimous porportions


Well-Known Member
i agree, Gore would not have started this war. even though we know that, there's a lot we don't know about what might be going on in the world today if he won.

i also agree that we have to avoid a war with Iran at all costs.



Well-Known Member
This is not 1941, have we learned nothing in 66 years. I was born in 1941, I'd sure hate to think I've learned nothing since. The world moves on but it seems mankind is stuck in the warring rut. There was no legitimate reason to attack Iraq, just as there is no legitimate reason to attack Iran. It is the imperialistic domination of the neo-conic Bush regime that is responsible for almost a million uncalled for deaths in Iraq. Wake the fuck up.
Ok lets try to give another example:

if Iran is saying they want to destroy Israel which they are, and they are working to get the atom bomb. Does Israel have a right to stop them, or shall they just wait to get nuked by a terrorist with no return address?

and me saying this I am a Palestinian refugee my grandparents were taken out of their homes at gunpoint and fled when Israel took over. now if me a Palestinian can understand the threat to Israel from Iran, then why cant you?

the fact is you guys sit there and say there's no reason for war but if I came to your house and started beating your wife and extorting money from you, would you war with me? or just sit there with that philosophical bullshit and let me beat your wife and take you money? WAKEUP

see you guys act like there are no people out there that would do things like that. Welcome to the world guys, welcome to human nature, you are blind to your own faults and limitations as a human being, or you just don't want to tell yourself its truth. but it is true people / humans are horrible & there are very many that will try to kill steal and enslave etc.. its time to get out of fantasy land,

I may say your a dreamer and I know your not the only one, I hope someday I can join you but for now somebody's gonna have to hold the gun......

to protect you my good friends

hey do you mind if I ask if you served in Vietnam?



New Member
i agree, Gore would not have started this war. even though we know that, there's a lot we don't know about what might be going on in the world today if he won.

i also agree that we have to avoid a war with Iran at all costs.

See, I knew we could agree, Now to get you to agree on health care,~LOL~.


Well-Known Member
Ya but garden, when the japs attacked pearl harbor they killed around 2,000 sailers. are you suggesting that we should not have declared war on the japanese cuz a great deal many more men had to sacrifice thier lives than were killed in the inicial attack on pearl harbor?

image japan would probably still be enslaving most of south east asia let alone been a mega force in asia to asisst Hitler in his earth cleansing agenda.

You realize that the U.S. government had advance warning of the Japanese attack from a forward radar post.There was plenty of time to evac. Pearl Harbor. Our gov. sacrificed Pearl harbor to get the people to support our joining the war.....


Well-Known Member
See, I knew we could agree, Now to get you to agree on health care,~LOL~.
i have no problem accepting reality. you simply aren't informed about what's really going in health care. not that i'm talking down to you or anything like that, there is a systematic process taking place here and there is a lot of money behind it. i'm just glad you're willing to discuss it.



Well-Known Member
You realize that the U.S. government had advance warning of the Japanese attack from a forward radar post.There was plenty of time to evac. Pearl Harbor. Our gov. sacrificed Pearl harbor to get the people to support our joining the war.....

Wow the mother of all conspiracy theories, lets see how many more we can fit into this thread.:roll:


New Member
the fact is you guys sit there and say there's no reason for war but if I came to your house and started beating your wife and extorting money from you, would you war with me? or just sit there with that philosophical bullshit and let me beat your wife and take you money? WAKEUP

Hey Pandawanda, I'll guarantee if you came to my house, you wouldn't even have to start beating my wife before I took care of you. I am not a complete pacifist. I do know how to kick ass and I do have a pretty fine arsenal of toys, now that being said, I am always going to look for a peaceful solution before commiting mayhem on anyone. In my humble opinion, talking is better than fighting