General Electrical Question


Hello, in my experiences ive had little trouble with standard electrical setups in a house with (3) 400w lights, my question is is when does it become a necessity to divert power, and can this be circumvented by running extension cords to different parts of the house, also while all houses are wired differently, is a general rule to how much electricity is safe to run in a bedroom, assuming no electrical work has been done?


Well-Known Member
N. America or Europe? it makes a big different.I assume N.America - if not, disregard this post as most of it wont pertain to you.
if you are using extension cords, make sure they are heavy duty-12 or 14 gauge,and no longer than needed - dont use a 100 foot cord when a 15 foot 1 will do.
what room your outlet is in doesn't matter as much as what circuit it is on & what else is on the same breaker. your breakers are rated for 15 or 20 amps (most likely). 1200 watts devided by 120 volts is 10 amps so all your lights on 1 outlet will be OK unless that outlet shares a circiut breaker w/ something that draws a high load.plug a vacum cleaner(draws 10+ amps) into the outlet in your living rm that is on the same breaker & pop goes the breaker.
map out your house & turn off the breakers 1 at a time & diagram what outlets share a breaker. every appliance has a tag on it showing its current draw. if in watts, devide by volts to get the amps drawn. try to keep total draw on a breaker at below 75% of its rating.


very informitive sir or maam, much thanks- this is somewhat unrelated but its hard to get in depth advice like you have provided if i may follow up with a couple other questions...

1) Provided one isnt stealing power, in your opinion is there a suspicious level of electrical usuage that would draw attention (single person 2 to 3 bedroom home) if so what?

2) What type evac fan, in your opinion, would be sufficiant for cooling 4 400w hps lamps, (how many cfms, and if you have a specific recomendation ill take that too)

3) What type of odor control, in your opinion would a 10 x 10 room require?

4) And if you have a strain recomendation please share

Sorry for a ton of questions, again in depth answers are sometimes hard to find


Well-Known Member
if your runnin a 10x10 ft. room, start with 2 600 or 1ooo watt if money is problem, buy more in future...peace


Well-Known Member
1- I wouldn't worry until you get over 4-5k of lights for that size place ;)
2-I used a PC fan for a couple yrs on a 400 MH but it had no obstructions (carbon filter)in the short straight duct. the more obstructions, the better the fan has to be.
3-it depends on your required level of security. I like to dump air into another room and use an ozone generator but I have a damp basement so the ozone generator also helps combat mold -I run it even when I dont have a grow going. to much ozone can be a health hazard so b careful if going this route.
4- if your new to growing,I would suggest northern lights as its a very stable,newbie friendly strain. otherwise I can only recomend variety,smoking the same strain all the time will cause you to build an imunity to it!