Generosity, it's a Christian thing


Well-Known Member
Least the Quran has one thing right kill all Jews and Christians

Qur’an 9:29-Fight against Christians and Jews ”until they pay the tribute readily, being brought low.”

Qur’an 4:91- If the unbelievers do not offer you peace, kill them wherever you find them. Against such you are given clear warrant.

Qur’an 5:59 Jews and Christians are evil-livers.

Qur’an 5:63 Evil is the handiwork of the rabbis and priests.

Qur’an 5:72 Christians will be burned in the Fire.

Qur’an 5:73Christians are wrong about the Trinity. For that they will have a painful doom.
So, Fart Vapor, you are an advocate for the murder of innocents. Wow and we are to worry about the opinions of Jews and Christians while you spew such twisted bile. Not even relevant to the discussion either...did you just want to sneak it in somewhere???? Maybe you should start a journal.


Well-Known Member
Same goes for the Klan and other racist groups you wish to hang with
So you defend someone advocating the murder of innocent Christians and Jews in your effort to assassinate another's character. You should look up asswipe in the dictionary.


Well-Known Member
Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are both democrats and give billions to charity
Soros gives billions to charity and is fighting for drug legalization
OMG. Two liberals and a communist give to charity. Whoop whoop. Still waiting on that list of 48...amongst other things. I know...its hard to back up bullshit.
Edit: in any case this thread is not about conservative vs liberal giving, but about religios vs. none. Gates raises his family Catholic while answering God questions like a politician...Buffett is agnostic while giving TO religious charities. Kind of hard to pin either to one side or the other.
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Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
You brave ask your self one thing a simple question why does everyone want christians dead ? and tell me a time when know one wanted to kill a jew i mean i look back even to ancient times and they been killed and up to today WHY
Hitler had it right
What has christianity given people but false hope your just a shallow as your god



Well-Known Member
You brave ask your self one thing a simple question why does everyone want christians dead ? and tell me a time when know one wanted to kill a jew i mean i look back even to ancient times and they been killed and up to today WHY
Hitler had it right
What has christianity given people but false hope your just a shallow as your god

I personally subscribe to no God so doubling down on irrelevant only makes you doubly irrelevant. You are a perfect example of a person lacking a moral code. Maybe your first journal entry can be the historical validation you allude to as to why it is ok to kill Christians and Jews. Here we are discussing Christian generosity. I'm betting that your own charitable giving and acts will not warrant a journal entry but may mysteriously appear on your tax return. What a despicable creature you are. I can imagine Uncle Puke liking you being around, however. Funny, when you are not cutting and pasting reams of something you (plagiarized) googled, the real you is exposed as a crazy, ignorant, bigoted, fool. The more I read from you the more I smell "fraud".

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
funny you say fraud is that not what Christianity is all about ??? leading people to believe in fairy tale and folk lore ??
Ask your self was the so called jesus stapled to the cross or nailed and why is it, He was really never stapled to a cross to begin with .. Some more lies a deceptive actions of Christianity



Well-Known Member
funny you say fraud is that not what Christianity is all about ??? leading people to believe in fairy tale and folk lore ??
Ask your self was the so called jesus stapled to the cross or nailed and why is it, He was really never stapled to a cross to begin with .. Some more lies a deceptive actions of Christianity

No. "Funny" and telling that you have to lie about what I said to invent your point.

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
Any person can actually see what good Christianity has done more harm then good pretty simple from 18th century to today ??? it sure does not seem to promising now does it

The fact is, I hear and see Christians saying really stupid things. It’s embarrassing. Here’s the best of the best. Or the worst of the worst. you got to love there beliefs

Evolution is just a theory.
?By that reasoning, belief in a Biblical God is also a theory — at least to non-believers.
    1. If you don’t believe in God, you don’t know right from wrong. Ridiculous. Every day, we hear stories about pastors and other religious figures in a scandal of some sort. Infidelity, theft, child molestation, etc…Their belief in God didn’t help them be more moral, did it?
    2. You can’t prove God doesn’t exist. Can we prove that he does? Most non-believers say that the burden of proof is on us who are theists.
    3. Anything said while speaking in tongues. I grew up in an Assembly of God church. Speaking in tongues was a common practice. The way it works is that one person supposedly gets taken over by the Holy Spirit and begins to chant gibberish. Then after a few minutes, another church member “translates” the message from God. OK, so the omniscient being (God) that I worship doesn’t know English? This is a great example of Christians implying that God is stupid.
    4. Nothing can come from nothing, so an intelligent being must have created it. I personally agree, but did it genuinely definitely happen in seven 24-hour days? I don’t believe it did.
    5. A Godly home guarantees Godly children. No. Just no.
    6. When someone dies, they become an angel. This is completely not Biblical. Human beings and angels are completely different creatures. The Bible is very clear about this.
    7. Put God back in schools. Again, he is an omniscient being. If he wants to be there, he’s there.
    8. Keep the Christ in Christmas. Um…no. Man put the Christ in Christmas.
    9. We’re in the end times — Jesus is coming soon. The Bible is very clear that no one knows the time of Christ’s return.


Well-Known Member
Any person can actually see what good Christianity has done more harm then good pretty simple from 18th century to today ??? it sure does not seem to promising now does it

The fact is, I hear and see Christians saying really stupid things. It’s embarrassing. Here’s the best of the best. Or the worst of the worst. you got to love there beliefs
Evolution is just a theory.?By that reasoning, belief in a Biblical God is also a theory — at least to non-believers.
    1. If you don’t believe in God, you don’t know right from wrong. Ridiculous. Every day, we hear stories about pastors and other religious figures in a scandal of some sort. Infidelity, theft, child molestation, etc…Their belief in God didn’t help them be more moral, did it?
    2. You can’t prove God doesn’t exist. Can we prove that he does? Most non-believers say that the burden of proof is on us who are theists.
    3. Anything said while speaking in tongues. I grew up in an Assembly of God church. Speaking in tongues was a common practice. The way it works is that one person supposedly gets taken over by the Holy Spirit and begins to chant gibberish. Then after a few minutes, another church member “translates” the message from God. OK, so the omniscient being (God) that I worship doesn’t know English? This is a great example of Christians implying that God is stupid.
    4. Nothing can come from nothing, so an intelligent being must have created it. I personally agree, but did it genuinely definitely happen in seven 24-hour days? I don’t believe it did.
    5. A Godly home guarantees Godly children. No. Just no.
    6. When someone dies, they become an angel. This is completely not Biblical. Human beings and angels are completely different creatures. The Bible is very clear about this.
    7. Put God back in schools. Again, he is an omniscient being. If he wants to be there, he’s there.
    8. Keep the Christ in Christmas. Um…no. Man put the Christ in Christmas.
    9. We’re in the end times — Jesus is coming soon. The Bible is very clear that no one knows the time of Christ’s return.
Most assemblys of god (CULT) have a designated translater. Otherwise 2 people will sometimes get up and translate "The Message" Went to a xmas party at one in Madison. One skit was about how stupid Xmas trees were. And most of the rest of the night was a slide show with the pastor being in every picture. And there were hundreds of pictures

BTW in Assemblies of god. A man can hit his wife.

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
what is sad is inreality is Christians focus on violence in the Old Testament while ignoring or giving little attention to violence in the New Testament.
but its ok for the battle of jerrico to justify genocidal holy war hahah and of course christains are the most Generous

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
So, Fart Vapor, you are an advocate for the murder of innocents. Wow and we are to worry about the opinions of Jews and Christians while you spew such twisted bile. Not even relevant to the discussion either...did you just want to sneak it in somewhere???? Maybe you should start a journal.
Is this guy a sicko or what. :spew:

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
I rest my case.

Hell, the whole site is full of sickos.
himm let me see here

A Pope should be many things. He should be pious for starters. A strong leader is definitely on the list. Forgiving, loving, generous and charitable are all up there too. But what about warmongering?

In his defense, Urban II didn’t have it easy when he became pope in 1088. For one thing, he had to deal with a rival anti-Pope, Clement III, whose supporters kept him out of the Vatican for several years. For another, Europe was in a state of chaos at the time. In his first few years, Urban fell out with the Holy Roman Emperor and was forced to excommunicate the King of France. To make matters worse, things were looking pretty grim in the Middle East.

Some things never change.

Urban eventually hit on a brilliant problem to solve all of his problems in Europe by uniting its Christian population against a common enemy. Thus began the First Crusade to reclaim the Holy Land from Muslim control. Although numbers are a bit shaky, it is estimated that around 200,000 people died in the first three years of the First Crusade. This might seem low compared to the other men on this list, but the First Crusade provided the main inspiration and justification for all of the Crusades that followed. As a result, Urban II’s actions have been attributed to over 200 years of intermittent war in the Middle East.

There’s also the small matter of Urban being the leader of a religion that is supposed to be based on loving your neighbor rather than cutting his head off. Launching a war to solve your own political problems is definitely not what Jesus would do.

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
to think Hitler was bad
Moving into the 20th Century, we come to Pol Pot, leader of the Khmer Rouge and ruler of Cambodia between 1975 and his death in 1997. The Khmer Rouge’s main aim was to transform the country into a classless society free from the interference of other countries. This began, predictably, by isolating Cambodia from the rest of the world. What followed was a series of bizarre moves that read like something out of a dystopian novel.

Under Pot’s leadership the government outlawed all education, religion, and finance. Because they were deemed dangerous to the regime, anyone who was already deemed educated was executed. They then abolished private property and began a program of moving people from urban populations into the countryside, where they were forced to labour in communal farms.

In total, it is thought that between 1 and 3 million people died under Pot’s regime. This might seem low, but the deaths accounts for about 25% of the population of Cambodia. So while in absolute figures this isn’t nearly as high as many as some of the other people on this list, the death toll is significantly higher in terms of percentages.

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
then you got other people who top Hitler like Stalin who killed 10 - 30 million of his own so please there uncle buckwheat
the Sad truth is being catholic is dangerous for your health and life Muslim will infact rule the world in years to come including america its already in progress and to think probably your kids kids will be Muslim is a sad fact of life i guess sucks huh something your country is fighting against is losing the battle no matter how you look at it muslims are gaining ground in your back yard
just think obama has ordered USA to take in 70,,000 Islamic refugees wonder how many are ISIS ???? in few years that 70,0000 will be few million after they give birth and so on and so on dont forget it probably be more like 100,000 refugees boy oh boy how you like them apples
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