Germination techniques - I have a few options, and I need help


Active Member
So i bought a propagator thatll fit 50 seeds. I have nirvanas germination kit but thats only for 10 seeds. I bought some MG seed starting soil to see how well it works and I'm considering buying peat pellets just for good measure. What's everyones best turnout with any of these? I have jiffy squares too i think is what cam with the propagator. I keep it dark warm correct?

Mr Cannabis Sativa

Active Member
use those jiffy peat greenhouse things i gt tht and it works oh sso perfect you just wet them and then wait like 6 fays and then hey start to sprout, they sell them at your local wallmart, they sell lots of interesting things there XD


Well-Known Member
out of the 9 seeds i planted 8 sprouted, the one that didnt sprout was probably a bad seed.

the first sprouts showed in as little as 2 days with no pre-germination

i was impressed and very pleased with their performance


Active Member
I soak the seeds for 24 hrsand the do the paper towel method. After the seed cracks open and the root shoot is about 3/8 - 1/2'' long, Using a peat pod I sprinkle a little Mykos in th whle of the pod and put the germed seed in about 3/8'' deep. With in 2 days the root shoot is growing out of the bottom of the pod. The Mykos makes this happen so fast. then when I want to plant, I put 1 Tbls of Mykos 6'' below the soil surface, mix around and fill the rest of the pot withsoil. Then I wet the soil and let it drain well and then I plant the pod with more mykos underneath, water and that's it.