Getting plants to your outdoor grow spot


Active Member
ok all you guerilla growers i got a question. After starting your plants how do you get them to their spots. last year it wasnt hard because i just walked a few miles behind my house but this year im trying to go into some good state land about 5+ miles away that is much more remote. i have no car just a motorcycle. i could wait until night and truck 25+ plants down the road but fuck that, any ideas would be appreciated. :peace:


Well-Known Member
i seen a guy on this site that made a custom backpack with shelves in it so he could transport his plants. I think he could move 12-16 at a time.


Well-Known Member
Jorge Cervantes does the same thing with his clones in his outdoor grow video. I think he had about 6-8 clones that he had in cubes


after my clones root, I put them in plastic beer cups that i get from the dollar store filled with soil .
I had a lot of problems transporting them,(mostly on my ATV than in my truck)
what i do now is i fill between the cups all the way up to the rim of them with dry peat moss and lightly shake the box around so that they spreed evenly and are tight

I have never had any problems after that. I get 100% back by the time i reach where i was transporting them too


Active Member
thanks a lot guys. im gonna try to make some sort of backpack so i can hopefully get a few to there homes in the next few days.


Well-Known Member
ok all you guerilla growers i got a question. After starting your plants how do you get them to their spots. last year it wasnt hard because i just walked a few miles behind my house but this year im trying to go into some good state land about 5+ miles away that is much more remote. i have no car just a motorcycle. i
could wait until night and truck 25+ plants down the road but fuck
that, any ideas would be appreciated. :peace:
That would be something to see. No, dont do that.
Can you take out a couple at a time in a dark plastic box with lid small enough to to strapped firmly to back of bike? put towel,plastic bags in the container to help stop pots tipping over, even bend down the main stem to get them in. Leave at crack of dawn, do it every day for a week or so and theyre out there.


Well-Known Member
i veg them till there a foot tall then throw three or four in a duffel bag or sports bag..they get cramped and some branches can snap but they never do


Well-Known Member
i use party cup's for my plant's until their ready and haul them in the wood's in a five gallon bucket five or six per bucket which is good cause i hate to put to much in one area.


Active Member
i can fit 6 Yogurt containers in each bag.
2 bags per hand=24 plants.
or if they are in 1gal plastic pots, i put 2 per bag, or 6 in a rubbermaid tote (they fit like sex :mrgreen: )