Goin Loco, First Colorado Medical Grow, Lots of Learnin


Well-Known Member
Well I figured some stuff out this week end and decided to play a game, still puttin it all together but will most likely do it in my NooB Advise thread. So any one that wants to play should go take a look in the next few days if ya subscribe post that ya did please could be part of the game. and the intent of the game is to teach ya some secrets, break some myths :bigjoint:

Till next time
Hi been reading lots too. IIRC I beleive your miracle growth (from page 5 i believe) was due to the H2O2. Roots need lots of oxygen, the more the better it enables faster absorption of nutes. However as you said, the H2O2 kills the soil probiotics which can affect the health of the soil in the long term and keep the bacteria from feeding the plant in the short term, some bacteria trade nutes with plants for mutual benefit), so it can be bad. But since you say molasses is good for the soil probiotics, you could only expose some of the soil to the H2O2 so that the probiotics have somewhere to live until the plant uses up all of the H202. Then a few days later feed it the molasses to restore the probiotic population.

When I used Hydro I'd add H2O2 to the solution to maximize the water's ability to hold O2 from the bubbler. It had a noticeable effect on growth and was the only thing I added besides nutes and ph leveling stuff and you don't want anything growing in your solution, so it worked good.

I'd stay away from using H2O2 near harvest as you want a good probiotic population to help remove the harsh stuff from the plants (I'm thinking this may be the reason people add mollasses for smoother smoke as it feeds the probiotics that facilitate the evacuation of whatever makes smoke harsh). I would use it every couple of waterings during veg phase though. Though this last paragraph is just speculation, it sounds logical, what do you think?

Oh, you could also buy probiotic cultures and put some in with the molasses. They come in a bottle. Hell, maybe even grow your own cultures from the bottle and it keep it going indefinitely with molasses.

I'm gunna keep watchin, can't wait to see how how the grow turns out.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for watching

I am more inclined to believe that the H202 is creating a chem reaction with the ferts & molasses however I know of one other grower checking it out, and I'm watching him.

I now understand what actually happened and have confirmed it via pm discusion with a seasoned grower

It is what prompted me to create the game so others could learn


Well-Known Member
Play the game, everybody wins,

if you read the NooB Advice thread you will see that Uncle Ben joined in, yes he is the grower I spoke with.

I can tell you that he has been posting in forums for 14 years

I can tell you that very few folks have listened over the years

I came up with the game to get folks to listen and understand (in NooB terms)

So far there is only one person playing (and playing hard) I can promise that that one person will be an experienced grower in just a couple of weeks


Well-Known Member
Play the game, everybody wins,

if you read the NooB Advice thread you will see that Uncle Ben joined in, yes he is the grower I spoke with.

I can tell you that he has been posting in forums for 14 years

I can tell you that very few folks have listened over the years

I came up with the game to get folks to listen and understand (in NooB terms)

So far there is only one person playing (and playing hard) I can promise that that one person will be an experienced grower in just a couple of weeks
So much to take in and so little time. If I have not said it before, Thanks for everything you are doing.


Well-Known Member
Well I would normally do an update every week but from now on I may go every half week since she is growing so much everyday.

I would not want anyone looking to think that I was full of crap when I said I had this shit figured out (That I have learned the secret)

I also want to tell everyone that I started the bud topping experiment towards the end of week 3 so it has been 2.5 weeks (sorry didn't count days this time) If you are going to do this I advise you to do so when the bud first shows, because I have now proven it works in my eyes but it needs more time to develope in flower than in veg. Look at the pic you'll see that 4 new bud sites have pushed out on the top of the bud (just like when you fim) instead of one,,,,,SO YES BUD TOPPING WILL MAKE EM FATTER, just takes time

Here are the pics

PS I put a side by side set of pics big bud 2 days ago & today in the NooB Advice thread



Well-Known Member
I ordered a new camera yesterday, the one I'm using now is 5 megapixels with a 2x zoom, I love it as it is also a digital camcorder and mp3 player only cost $59. But it has a very small screen and with my old tired eyes it is a bitch to get those crip closeups.

So my new camera is 8 megapixels with a 3x zoom and a much bigger view screen (does video as well) was on sale for $79. I am thinking my pics will be getter even better in about another week. I love gettin new toys :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I ordered a new camera yesterday, the one I'm using now is 5 megapixels with a 2x zoom, I love it as it is also a digital camcorder and mp3 player only cost $59. But it has a very small screen and with my old tired eyes it is a bitch to get those crip closeups.

So my new camera is 8 megapixels with a 3x zoom and a much bigger view screen (does video as well) was on sale for $79. I am thinking my pics will be getter even better in about another week. I love gettin new toys :bigjoint:

Congrats on the new toy. I gotta tell ya, Your avater pic is awesome! That freakin t9 :?: floro is the coolest idea. I like to think of my self a s a pretty handy guy who likes the challeng of figuring out how to "use it in the grow" when I come across different items at Lowes or HD and pretty much any place that sells any grow related items. Deffinate props on that one, it never even crossed my mind.

Don't care what the hatters think, it takes up time to do what you, UB, fdd and any of the other growers who consistanly and willingly hand out there knowledge with no strings attached!

Keep it up.




Well-Known Member
i m glad you got a new cam. i guess this means you 'll be taking even better pics , man o' man this just gets better and better whoo hoo . honestly keep up the good work .


Well-Known Member
yeah it will be end of next week before the new camera gets here so maybe one more round of pics with current camera, but I am stoked to get it and play :bigjoint:

I just noticed that this thread has had over 1320 views with only 69 post wow a lot of lurkers I guess, I say speak up people give me your thoughts

I'll be making some minor LST adjustments in the morning and get some more pics up we'll be starting week 6 tomorrow

I am very pleased so far how the game is going, it is fun for me and I really enjoy helping folks, I know that I have not really asked for any help but comments are welcome


Well-Known Member
Well Matilda is getting watered this morning and then a dose of molasses,

I'm kinda trying something different (go figure) The next feeding I am not going to use the super tonic and see if the growth spurt still happens?

and this will be the last pic from this camera, I will wait till I get the new camera to post pics again as I was really disappointed with how these pics turned out, I took a lot and they were fuzzy, partly because of the low light I'm guessing?

Anyway the pic is good enough to give ya an idea of how things are going :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
:leaf:That sounds great riddleme, so you know I've been following your grow now very closely and I have gotten a lot of usefull information just want to say thanks again and appreciate the sub to my grow journal I definitely need all the help I can get I'm about 60% sure she's a she and that makes me very happy. This may be my first complete grow from start to finish.

Peace out,
zoso914 :fire:


Well-Known Member
Well Matilda is getting watered this morning and then a dose of molasses,

I'm kinda trying something different (go figure) The next feeding I am not going to use the super tonic and see if the growth spurt still happens?

and this will be the last pic from this camera, I will wait till I get the new camera to post pics again as I was really disappointed with how these pics turned out, I took a lot and they were fuzzy, partly because of the low light I'm guessing?

Anyway the pic is good enough to give ya an idea of how things are going :bigjoint:
amazing , good work ect ect
looks like you have a green thumb lol


Well-Known Member
LOVE this thread, very dynamic, with all sorts of hidden treasures. Can't wait to see pics with new cam!
Me either, I wish it would get here. I wanted to take more pics today as she grew another 1/2 inch again, but I said I wouldn't, so I didn't :bigjoint:

Glad you enjoyed it


Well-Known Member
Matilda got her first dose of DynaGro this morning she is now eating every 3 days like a champ and is getting so fat, where is that damn camera :bigjoint:

I really wanted to go to end only using Jack's, but I noticed that she had a calcium deficiency (thank god for my new garden saver book) and Jack's does not have it, DynaGro does, plus the NPK ratio is the same just lower #'s it's a 3-12-6.

I could have simply fed her cal/mag but she is ok on mag and I could have just gotten calcium but I had intended on switching to this regimine anyway so am just gonna do it. Will be alternating DynaGro and Jack's with every feeding, my logic for this schedule is that DynaGro has ALL of the 16 required essentials so by doing this I am eleminating future possibilities of deficiencies
