Good air pump for 6 5 gallon buckets?


Active Member
Thinking about going with 4-6 DWC buckets. A single air pump that I can be confident in to supply all that would be great. The quieter the better. Any suggestions? Is there an ideal wattage per gallon or GPH/LPM?


Well-Known Member
Get a big one I run 5-6 buckets and I run like 3 air stones in each res. You can never have too many bubbles.. I use a 110 LPM. It wont be that quiet but if you have it in a separate room its hard to hear with the door closed.


Active Member
Check out these air pumps. I got 6 and they move some air. I use one SunLeaves 4" Oxy Stone per outlet and get a lot of bubbles. One pump per two DWC buckets and I use one pump and two stones for the control rez. I got mine set back up today after an AWESOME 1st Harvest. Got Round 3 started's what got set up today.
Check it out when you get a minute.