good hiding places.


Well-Known Member
say i had a couple pounds of weed. what are some good places to hide it till i get rid of it?


Well-Known Member
i would do that but i dont wanna have
to go out to the woods everytime i need to top up!
im thinking somewhere in my house!


Well-Known Member
attic in rafters buhind insullation. thers a millllion places. just use your imagination.
PLanning on getting raided soon?


Well-Known Member
if you are worried about being raided WHY on earth would you want pounds of grass in your HOME, even if it is hidden?? some things I read on this site never cease to amaze me

other than that i can offer no real help, good luck


Active Member
im tellin ya..if you have pounds in your house..and you plan on getting raided!! get it the fuck outta there..them dogs will sniff that shit out quicker then shit!! it might be alot of running to the woods but its not worth it getting busted! good luck!


Well-Known Member
what about in mason jars, in bags, under water, under ground? could a police dog sniff it out then?
dont think the water would make a differance and dont think they would brg dogs around ur yard looking for drugs underground but maybe


Well-Known Member
I posted a method a while back that I use frequently...pvc pipe caches.

Depending on what you want to submerge or bury and its size, use pvc in different diameters, plumbers cement, and male & female screw cap components.

When done properly, these are completely watertight.

For home use, I've attached them in crawl spaces and basement ceilings so they look like part of the septic plumbing.

To avoid canine detection, you could divide your stash into ounces (or whatever amounts you want), vacuum pack in plastic, and then submerge them in your pvc cache tube under water. Just remember to place a stealthy toggle on it so you easily find you stash on a frequent basis if desired.

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Well-Known Member
With a stash hidden in the home you live in your asking to get fuked,you gotta realize that hiding things in out of the way places like attic spaces & fake plumbing will be used agaiunst you in court to show intent.

Every action you make to cover your tracks will come back to haunt you durring trial & make your lawyers job more difficult,if your brave or foolish enough to keep stash in the home you live in your best bet is to get a safe & bolt it to the floor,then keep the shit in there,this way when the nazi's boot your shit in it's in a secure location that can be used to your defense if the subject of children comming in contact with a controled substance is attempted to be used against you,plus it takes away one more aspect of the conspiricy picture that all prosecutors try to paint.

Ive been raided & im here to tell you 1st hand, the the methods of hiding stash described in this thread will not help you in most cases,when they tore my house up it looked like a tornado had went through the joint,they even got up in my attic with lights & lawn rakes to turn over every last peice of insulation looking for cash or weed.

Especially when your talking about pounds,i dont care how you hide it a dog will be brought in & alert to the scent,just by you accessing the stash daily to get the customers order you'll be spreading the scent like a trail of popcorn.Dont be cheap or lazy with security,cops count on our unwillingness to create extra work to access the stash,they know its close by at all times.

The only fool proof way is to install an incenerator in the basement or kitchen, then keep the stash in it but you'll need a few minutes time to incenerate,buying the time needed requires putting security doors on the home with interior bracing to slow them down, as well as bars on the windows that are bolted through the wall into contact plates on the other side.