good hiding places.


Well-Known Member
The incinerator idea...I like your style. :hump: Great is some rep for you!

As for stashing things in your home, I completely agree with you. I've used the pvc cache method before for 'smelly' stashes outside the house. $$ and other normal valuable items I stash here since there is no link between the two.

And, I'd love to see the K9 that can smell a small 1.25lb stash in a sealed, camoflaged PVC cache under 11 feet of springfed pond water...ten feet from shore! Just a sandwich, fly rod and canoe trip to re-up.

But in the house, are always toast.


With a stash hidden in the home you live in your asking to get fuked,you gotta realize that hiding things in out of the way places like attic spaces & fake plumbing will be used agaiunst you in court to show intent.

Every action you make to cover your tracks will come back to haunt you durring trial & make your lawyers job more difficult,if your brave or foolish enough to keep stash in the home you live in your best bet is to get a safe & bolt it to the floor,then keep the shit in there,this way when the nazi's boot your shit in it's in a secure location that can be used to your defense if the subject of children comming in contact with a controled substance is attempted to be used against you,plus it takes away one more aspect of the conspiricy picture that all prosecutors try to paint.

Ive been raided & im here to tell you 1st hand, the the methods of hiding stash described in this thread will not help you in most cases,when they tore my house up it looked like a tornado had went through the joint,they even got up in my attic with lights & lawn rakes to turn over every last peice of insulation looking for cash or weed.

Especially when your talking about pounds,i dont care how you hide it a dog will be brought in & alert to the scent,just by you accessing the stash daily to get the customers order you'll be spreading the scent like a trail of popcorn.Dont be cheap or lazy with security,cops count on our unwillingness to create extra work to access the stash,they know its close by at all times.

The only fool proof way is to install an incenerator in the basement or kitchen, then keep the stash in it but you'll need a few minutes time to incenerate,buying the time needed requires putting security doors on the home with interior bracing to slow them down, as well as bars on the windows that are bolted through the wall into contact plates on the other side.

DR growgood

Well-Known Member
in a safe they cant go in a safe my freind is a police officer nypd and he says they cant go in it. its like having a security doposit box at the bank same rulz applie by the way my friend use to be the biggest stoner to how he became a cop is beyond me.make sure u bolt the safe to the floor too from the inside so no one can take it.


Well-Known Member
if im in when i get raided im gonna eat my stash!cant really eat pounds though i would chuck it in with my pigs they would eat it quick lol.


Well-Known Member
in a safe they cant go in a safe my freind is a police officer nypd and he says they cant go in it. its like having a security doposit box at the bank same rulz applie by the way my friend use to be the biggest stoner to how he became a cop is beyond me.make sure u bolt the safe to the floor too from the inside so no one can take it.
I appreciate the claim, but I'm always weary of 'I have a friend' stories. Anyone have a link to a website stating law that could confirm this?

Just curious, and thanks for the tip.


Well-Known Member
The incinerator idea...I like your style. :hump: Great is some rep for you!

As for stashing things in your home, I completely agree with you. I've used the pvc cache method before for 'smelly' stashes outside the house. $$ and other normal valuable items I stash here since there is no link between the two.

And, I'd love to see the K9 that can smell a small 1.25lb stash in a sealed, camoflaged PVC cache under 11 feet of springfed pond water...ten feet from shore! Just a sandwich, fly rod and canoe trip to re-up.

But in the house, are always toast.

Haha, well, they might not have the dogs finding you, but maybe someone watching you go out in a canoe might do it. I don't know your personal circumstances, but it seems like a good idea.


Well-Known Member
what my dealer did was have a small stash somewhere and when she got raided she jsut told them where that like 2 oz stash was. but the dumbass cops didnt search anywhere else leaving a qp in the back of a desser lol


Well-Known Member
in a safe they cant go in a safe my freind is a police officer nypd and he says they cant go in it. its like having a security doposit box at the bank same rulz applie by the way my friend use to be the biggest stoner to how he became a cop is beyond me.make sure u bolt the safe to the floor too from the inside so no one can take it.
Have you ever had a search warrant read to you or been allowed to read one to see what happens ? your friend is so wrong its beyond silly,the cops show up with a warrant allowing them to search the home & any & all items within the home,if your shits in a safe bolted down & you refuse to open it they will call the fire department,they will bring in an industrial cut saw with a diamond blade & cut the door off your shit right in front of you.On top of searching the premisis warrants ALWAYS include any & all vehicles on the property & garage areas.

Your friend might be a rent a cop for Sugar Bear Security but he sure aint no NYPD cop telling you false info like that.


New Member
This cactus is all one big root tangled chunk. The roots only go about 6 inches deep, so the rest of that big pot is just dirt. I can and have pried it up with a shovel, scraped out some dirt, stashed some stuff and put the cactus right back down again. Dump some water on it to arrange the dirt. Done. This would be for longer term storage, you wouldn't want to get in and out of that every day.

Just as long as what you're stashing is watertight. I would think mason jars, with the tops waxed over would work great. I doubt a dog could smell that either. Plus I don't see the cops digging through that prickly pear. That bastard bites.

I've also hidden stuff in my honeysuckle vine. It's over a huge corner of my fence and it's so thick you can shove a container in it and no one will ever know it's there. Cool eh?



Well-Known Member
if you are worried about being raided WHY on earth would you want pounds of grass in your HOME, even if it is hidden?? some things I read on this site never cease to amaze me

other than that i can offer no real help, good luck
hahahaha really...


Active Member
the incenorator idea is probably the best, because no matter what, if you've ever even touched the shit theres a sent trail, so the next best thing would be get it the fuck gone and fast, besides, ashes are just ashes, no proof there. besides that the dummy stash is a good idea, just keep some little stash in an obvious hiding place, a jar or some shit in your living room, and keep the rest wherever you want


Well-Known Member
im tellin ya..if you have pounds in your house..and you plan on getting raided!! get it the fuck outta there..them dogs will sniff that shit out quicker then shit!! it might be alot of running to the woods but its not worth it getting busted! good luck!
yeah those fucking dogs can smell traces for a good while lil bastards but they good at it , oh and do not cover smell up withpepper or something of that sort you will get fucked on charges for ruining that dogs nose trust me haha ive known it to hapen before the fuckin dogs just like an officer in those fuckers books:spew::spew::spew: