got ran off the road today, shits getting real


Well-Known Member
go to the person place if u know who they are and put a ping pong ball in the gas tank .........driving and stoping in the city will do nothing but when he/she goes for a long drive the ping pong ball will get sucked down blocking the intake of gas killing the engine ......the sucktion stops it works again

drive the person batty ......and remove the possiblty of them trying it again (they can but odds are the engine will sezie up going 70) ........the gas will remove the finger prints on the ball just wear gloves when u touch the gas tank lid/ cap

the only way to fix it is to remove the gas tank and replace it .......but before that happens they are going to spend months trying other things spending money on it that did not need to be done

u win the annoy the hell out of the other person contest

your other choice is to set up a camera time it happens u get it on tape and u can use deadly force in protection of your life ........just rem i was in fear for my life repeat that to everyone
ain't gonna work my man.
fuel pumps don't work like that brother.
Good story though
if you are that far, just put about a cupful of chlorine or bleach in it.
Works WAY better...


Well-Known Member
Nope, you always win that contest. How goes the drunk driving?
u know u are a real troll

where do u live i get a vacation in a bit maybe stop by see if u got the balls to talk shit to someone's face

So wear gloves to open the tank but take them off so the gas removes finger prints? Your advice is as solid as a beer fart.
are u wearing gloves all the time are u wearing them when u buy it it up ....put them in pocket

that is why ppl like u get caught and ppl like me only for maybe 2% of the shit we do


Well-Known Member
u know u are a real troll

where do u live i get a vacation in a bit maybe stop by see if u got the balls to talk shit to someone's face

are u wearing gloves all the time are u wearing them when u buy it it up ....put them in pocket

that is why ppl like u get caught and ppl like me only for maybe 2% of the shit we do
People like me don't do stupid shit to get caught for.


Well-Known Member
Once on a bike some dickhead with a car hit me off the road on purpose due to me shouting at him for occupying the bike lane. Unluckily for me and the dickhead the bike got stuck under the car forcing him to stop and deal with a mad beast in a very physically violent way. After he was no longer moving i slashed his tires and ran away bikeless. The best part of all was that i didnt get a sinlge scratch when i got pushed off. Last time i rode a bike in a city and probably the last time that guy was a dickhead to a biker, i bet.
There's a big difference between a Biker and a bicyclist !