Grinder Vs Breaking up by hand


Active Member
Well ever since I got my first grinder I have been a huge advocate and a lover of grinders, they are always very convenient, and have no real downside, imo, until about two weeks ago I left my grinder at a buddies house, but he lives a bit away so I only see him about once a month, and I told him to just keep it till we met up again, because I'm pretty chill with my equipment. Anyways to the point of this thread over the past two weeks I've began to love breaking up bud by hand, to me its much more intimate and its just a shit ton of fun to grab a nice large bud a to rip it up into tiny pieces, I've just felt like I almost respect smoking more now that I break up bud by hand, and I was wondering if others have ever noticed a similar thing, or maybe even if your super gunhoe about the advantages about a grinder post away, I love some debate


Well-Known Member
i do a combination of the 2, first i break it up a little bit by hand so any seeds and large stems can be removed then i throw it in the grinder. i love my grinder.


New Member
when i break up food by hand i end up using more so my grinder is important 2 me!! the last person to take my grinder lost his fingers....


Well-Known Member
i can only say i like to break it up by hand only cause i have never tried a far as amount that i use since i have been harvesting my own i really dont worry about that any more...


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
Hell yea, Space Case all the way. Their a little pricey but well worth it. I would feel naked without the Space Case.
$80 for mine, but damn it its the best grinder you could ask for, Most grinders break teeth or are hard to hold, space case is durable and comfortable. If any of you are looking for a grinder give Space Case a look....


Well-Known Member
Man ive wanted a Space case for awhile now. Every time i get the money and go to buy one i always ending up just sayin fuckit and buyin something else. Next time i have an extra 75$ im buyin one.


Well-Known Member
I like the grinder method too...

I break up the bud with scissors and put a chunk in the grinder and load it up in a pipe with a fresh screen.. or roll up a joint.

Burns so even, and I seem to get higher.


bud bootlegger
i dont know what i ever did for years and years without a grinder. i love my grinder, and what is better than making some hash out of your kief that falls to the bottom of the grinder? not much in my eyes.. grinders rock..


Well-Known Member
ever since i gt my first ginder thats all i use.Especially if i got some High-grade shit thats sticky as hell...


New Member
I had a grinder back in AZ when I smoked schwag. Ever since I started growing my own, I dry/cure it to the point where I can rip off a little bowl-sized nug and just throw that in the bong. Less wasted THC on my fingers. I love being in complete control of my weed supply :hump:


Active Member
i think grinder is better because no trichomes are left in your fingers :blsmoke:

and its faster.... sometimes when im so stoned and i want an extra bowl, i just dont do it cause i need to grind again with the fingers lol

i always keep the bud in a air-tight cases, so i just grind the bud im gonna smoke in that moment so i doesnt dry more if u grind a lot.


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
I like the grinder method too...

I break up the bud with scissors and put a chunk in the grinder and load it up in a pipe with a fresh screen.. or roll up a joint.

Burns so even, and I seem to get higher.
Man for some reason I feel the same way, maybe its just the mental satisfaction of knowing everything is burning even.

I dunno. lol. I'm Too High at the moment ...............


Well-Known Member
yea, i try to touch my bud as little as possible. the more you touch it...the less THC there is on the buds and it falls off, and/or gets stuck to your fingers. i know a guy who doesnt even touch his weed to pack it in a bowl. he scoops it in with a baby spoon.