bryan oconner
Well-Known Member
got ya . no caregivers . only patients . will fuck a lot of people over .
got ya . no caregivers . only patients . will fuck a lot of people over .
THANK . for the info . i can real for hours and not understand anything . got it now . dispen low ball people in mi any ways from what i heard .Caregivers are still valid they just won't be selling their pot to disp and will supply to the actual patients they have stated they are helping at the cost of helping them grow it, transporting,etc.
Pretty much this whole thing sets up a legal system in Michigan for growing and selling with rules and regulations for each part. Some people might not like the rules or regulations....that is a fact.
This is what it does. Medical Marihuana Facilities Licensing Act
A bill to license and regulate medical marihuana growers, processors, provisioning centers, secure transporters, and safety compliance facilities
why not open a dispen for your self ? sounds like your a serious grower .Wow. Well i guess I'll sit back and see how this plays out. If in my favor I'll stay. If not then I'll move.
One more thing to consider if the supreme court thinks this law in any way shape or form infringes on patients rights and laws they will either overturn it and/or recommend certain sections be removed.
The other side is true as well if the Court decides that none of it effects the patients/caregiver laws as written it will stand.
not true. patients will be under the patient act and that has not changed.
that is all i care about lol . wow wee . i was like holy fuck what is a guy to do . go to a dispen pay 3 times as much for there product pulled 3 weeks to early . news i have found also i think this is a good law if it does not fuck with caregivers or patients . i know i would not mind paying a 3 % tax on profit if mi said i was 100 % legal to open a dispen . if it passe could be a great business for somebody . possible a dream job for some .
To possess ANY MM it MUST have a chain of possession history to prove the "seed to sale" clause.....
Sure, they may not change the right to grow by a patient - it's part of what they maybe not be able to change.
They added that little possession thing and THAT they can change! IF you are caught with any MM NOT having that "proof" of legal origin. You'll get arrested for illegal marijuana because they will ONLY record and accept MM grown by the new legal grower system! The catch-22 situation! They have gone AROUND the patient act!
Back when this was being heard in committee, I was talking to lawyers on both sides of the fence on this. They all felt that this will be the end of home growing and that the bill was written by help from Schuttte TO go around the law and it's legal that way!
Be real! They have already changed the law so much it's stupid and the only thing left was cutting out the home grow!
Pull your head out of the ground people! (not pointing a finger at you directly Uber)
Lmao no no no nothing like that. But as much as I medicate that's prolly not a bad idea. Lol I'm from out west, I moved to Michigan before arizona had a mmj program. I grow only for myself. Cfls yeah!!! Lolwhy not open a dispen for your self ? sounds like your a serious grower .
Laws in Fuckedville are not simple by any means and they are all designed to Profit someone in some way. Fucking sadI dont live in America. And having diff laws for diff states is silly. It needs to be a federal law.
The law should be simple. A household can grow a certain amount of plants per person living there. Sales should be illegal.
Not enough tax in that of cause so it wont happen.
Yip exactlyFollow the money and you'll know what's been going to happen all along.