Growing mushrooms is more profitable then weed!


Well-Known Member seem cool man..just dont say shit like smoking mushrooms gets you high..eating them if far better..also u attacked me lyk a wild animal!!

Maybe you should read the thread again tomorrow. I didnt attack you at all, you kept saying I was wrong or didnt know what I was talking about or spreading false information.

Why wouldnt I say smoking them gets you high, but eating them gets you higher? Its 100% true. Im not trying to be an ass, just trying to get the truth out there.



Active Member
lol, This thread got completally turned into somthing it wasn't supposed too. i think were all on agreement Eating shrooms is better, and if you smoke it, you will still get a buzz, just not as big as eating them.


Well-Known Member
Wow! this thread got turned around!
Anyways the shrooms are going well. And they are still more profitable then herb. Although shrooms do have inherent risks; if you have a middle man that is discreet and trustworthy the risk is lessened to a point.


Well-Known Member
I smoked some of my super dank home grown weed one night and a buddy stopped by. I asked him if he would like some bong hits and he said "Nope, I've got some shrooms here in my pocket." He downed the shrooms. About an hour later, he was in a panic, running all over the house yelling ... "Call me an ambulance! Call me an ambulance!"

I was really stoned ... so I said: "Uhhh ... OK, man ... like, you're an ambulance." :eyesmoke:


Funniest shit I read all day!


Well-Known Member
This was the stupidest thing I've ever read!
Eating shrooms good
Smoking shrooms damn near worthless
Growing shrooms is way easier than MJ
Laws pertaining to both are complete BS


Well-Known Member
Yes I know growing is misspelled!
with the same amount of space I use for my grow and a fraction of the electricity I could grow a couple pounds of mushrooms a month or harvest 8 ounces of weed every 2 months. I guess people will smoke more weed then eat mushrooms but still... Anyone else care to chime in?
all i have to say is risk and profit tend to be positively correlated with any business, including drugs... drugs that are more risky to produce or get caught with will make you more money.... but if you get caught, you pay a higher price.


You could probably get just as high (or buzzed as it where) schmoking basically anything organic that burns.
LOL dude. the only time I had too many, I sat there trippin (duh), thinking that the guy dipped them in acid, and that I just took like 23 hits of acid, and that he was the acid king, and he was gonna make me an acid king too! But I didn't run around pissin my pants like "call a cops call a cops! I eat too much!" I just collapsed face down on this guys bean bag for like an hour, legs shaking. Reason why I prefer big and puffy shrooms, not those infinitely thin and flat caps. also prefer stems more. If you DID die after eating too many shrooms, I would say they went into shock from panicking too much or something, the psilocybin is NOT gonna kill your organs or your mind. And if you freaked out that bad? Your brain would simply run out of chemicals to facilitate your trip anymore, you would probably pass out from exhaustion. shroom addicts? I can believe it, but heres what happened to me on both acid and shrooms: My first trip on both was so awesome, I decided "oh you can take these anywhere!" so my second time with acid, I took it in the dark, looking in the mirror, trying to trip myself out with scary faces cause I thought it wouldnt work. what a dumbass i am. second time on mushrooms, I was at work, at night. I dont know how i kept my shit together. setting is so important. so important.