Gun control is coming

yep. ill be no less prepared because some yahoo killed people. Do you have any earthly idea how many "extended" magazines are in the United States? Its a wild number seeing as most folks have multiple per gun. So would all those people become criminals overnight?

How many lives would be lost from people who ran out of ammo in a multi invader situation because they followed the law and the criminals assaulting them had one of the many millions of normal OEM 10+ rnd mags already here?

Most pistol manufacturers are in a bit of an arms race right now to cram the most rounds in a small pistol as they can, theyve gotten pretty good, most approaching 20 rounds and make you wonder how they all fit. God forbid the need to use it, i want as much protection as i can get and i see no need or desire to neuter anything im depending on to save my life by any number of rounds.
The good guy with the gun saving the day is a myth. You have seen to many of that kind of movie.

The good guy with the gun saving the day is a myth. You have seen to many of that kind of movie.

remember this guy? Sort of an evolutionary link between Lone Ranger and Dark Knight.

You said that banning large capacity magazines "doesn't work".

I presented evidence that it does.

Prove me wrong or stfu.

Except you aren't for banning large capacity magaizines, you are for consolidating them in the hands of people that claim to be your servants, but behave like your masters.

You are not for gun control, you are for removing power from one class of people and increasing power in another class of people. I don't need to present evidence, since what I just said, is self evident. You won't address it or provide evidence I'm wrong.
The objective is saving lives. People can still have their guns. They can still fantasize about rescuing Nell with their gun and getting her eternal gratitude and maybe a kiss. They can hunt, shoot at gun clubs and swagger with the barrel bulging in their jeans because their tiny penis doe not impress. They can do everything they were doing before Oregon voters chose to vote for this measure.

And the gun nuts can drone on with their trivial and unimportant minutia about AR being some narrow definition when the legislation doesn't even mention assault rifles. But it's not about assault rifles or assault weapons or any of that. Measure 114 is a reasonable systematic approach toward reducing harm from US guns and their owners. We can talk about theory, and that's ALL gun nuts have to offer. But I can offer credible facts based hard data showing that the system of changes written into measure 114 have been shown in other districts to have worked in saving lives.

The licensing component of the Oregon ballot measure requires that gun purchasers complete a firearm safety training course and an application, including fingerprinting, at their local police department. Before issuing the license, law enforcement officers review the application, run a background check and examine local and state records to help ensure that the purchaser is not a clear danger to themselves or others based on a pattern of violent behavior.
This process prevents many dangerous people from purchasing guns and deters gun straw purchases carried out in order to traffic guns to criminal networks. It also provides a “cooling down” period for individuals who are suicidal or are in crisis by putting time between when someone decides to purchase a gun and when it can be obtained. Research shows that gun suicides are often impulsive, and having a built-in waiting period saves lives.
Other researchers from our center at Johns Hopkins University evaluated laws similar to the Oregon measure and found large reductions in many forms of gun violence. For example, they found that the passage of such a law in Connecticut was associated with a 33% reduction in the gun suicide rate and a 28% reduction in the gun homicide rate over a 22-year period. Our center’s research has also found that gun purchaser licensing was associated with a 56% decrease in the incidence of fatal mass shootings.

That's the objective. Reductions in suicides, gun homicides and fatal mass shootings. If a gun nut wants to claim this measure is worthless, then they need to tell us why that study is false.

From this study:

What doesn't seem to help reduce gun deaths:

The findings of this study suggest that the most common policy prescriptions offered by advocates on each side of the debate over gun control—comprehensive background checks and assault weapons bans on one side and so-called “Right to Carry” laws reducing restrictions on civilian concealed carry of firearms on the other side—do not seem to be associated with the incidence of fatal mass shootings.

So there it is, gun nuts. You might be right that so-called assault weapons bans don't seem to reduce incidents of fatal mass shootings. But neither does right to carry laws.

What does seem to help reduce deaths in mass shooting events:

This study identified two policies associated with reductions in fatal mass shootings—laws requiring firearm purchasers or owners to acquire a license that involves in-person application and/or fingerprinting of applicants and state laws banning the purchase of LCMs or ammunition-feeding devices for semiautomatic firearms.

Hence the reason Measure 114 includes permit to purchase requirements and bans on the sale of high capacity magazines, which restrict the shooter's potential to fire at a high rate for a long time.

It's not really as complicated as what the gun lobby tells its chumps to say.
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you didnt lol. you posted links with no definitions of any of those things. vague skewed biased bullshit is what you posted.
A website that doesnt define "extended" or what an "assault" weapon is? thats your super duper credible source? okay pal. Try harder.

Would a 5.7 P90 be considered an "assault style weapon"? Its a bigger caliber than a pistol and it looks scary, does that qualify it?
How about the new Henry X series? Any skilled shooter can reload it lightning fast and it shoots huge rounds, tactical and scary looking!
I wonder what the folks at or whatever other source you have run by clueless scared ignorant people have to say. Actually i dont.

I also cited an actual event where the shooter used state compliant magazines and managed to unfortunately kill dozens of people. A pretty clear example of magazine size not impeding a bad guy.

The same crowd that shares a disdain for police and the military want to make sure theyre the only ones left with big scary guns and normal amounts of ammo (although the police have shown time and time again that they are under no obligation to ever save you) lmfao typical logic in this echo chamber.
Your post started with a false statement.

I did in fact post a link that clearly defined the criteria used in that study to create the category of Assault weapon.

The next part of your post does not prove anything. Citing a single event to justify a sweeping statement is a common deceptive debate tactic made by people who have no valid point to make. What you are doing is called

The Anecdotal Evidence Fallacy
In place of logical evidence, this fallacy substitutes examples from someone's personal experience. Arguments that rely heavily on anecdotal evidence tend to overlook the fact that one (possibly isolated) example can't stand alone as definitive proof of a greater premise.

Your post is proof that you have no argument and just want to argue. I will give you the last word on this. I will not continue to discuss this subject with you because you have already proven yourself wrong.
Your post started with a false statement.

I did in fact post a link that clearly defined the criteria used in that study to create the category of Assault weapon.

The next part of your post does not prove anything. Citing a single event to justify a sweeping statement is a common deceptive debate tactic made by people who have no valid point to make. What you are doing is called

The Anecdotal Evidence Fallacy
In place of logical evidence, this fallacy substitutes examples from someone's personal experience. Arguments that rely heavily on anecdotal evidence tend to overlook the fact that one (possibly isolated) example can't stand alone as definitive proof of a greater premise.

Your post is proof that you have no argument and just want to argue. I will give you the last word on this. I will not continue to discuss this subject with you because you have already proven yourself wrong.
Welp, you tried lol. Seems even with evidence to the contrary, yes evidence, it just doesn’t matter. So yes I get it, why bother. I wish you all luck, just hope the shit stays south of here so I don’t feel the need to cower in my home fortress waiting for the hordes of criminals to attack, I have no HC rifles so I’ll probably die :(.
you do realize that 5.7x21 was expressly designed as a pistol cartridge.

And its “caliber” (a sloppy term for bore diameter) is smaller than that of just about any centerfire handgun cartridge.
you do realize that 5.7x21 was expressly designed as a pistol cartridge.

And its “caliber” (a sloppy term for bore diameter) is smaller than that of just about any centerfire handgun cartridge.
Im glad you did some research. gotta get better at your googles though because actually it was designed for the FN P90 which is a far cry from a pistol. Nice try though. You are correct on the caliber and actual physical "size" of the projectile. However, It will also poke a hole in most body armor with ease due to its shape and powder mix.

Its a big scary assault bullet. Just go back to talking like that, getting into the weeds and actual details takes a bit more research sir.
Actually it was designed for the FN P90 which is a far cry from a pistol. Nice try though. You are correct on the caliber and actual physical "size" of the projectile. However, It will also poke a hole in most body armor with ease due to its shape and powder mix.

Its a big scary assault bullet. Just go back to talking like that, getting into the weeds and actual details takes a bit more research sir.
It was designed for this, the Five-seveN. The P90 was co-released as a cqb weapon. Erratum: it’s the 5.7x28. I had the case length wrong.


As for “big scary assault bullet”, with a mass range between 23 and 40 grains per bullet, it surely is not big.

Perhaps you are saying bullet where the correct term is cartridge. Sloppy.
It was designed for this, the Five-seveN. The P90 was co-released as a cqb weapon. Erratum: it’s the 5.7x28. I had the case length wrong.

View attachment 5243920

As for “big scary assault bullet”, with a mass range between 23 and 40 grains per bullet, it surely is not big.

Perhaps you are saying bullet where the correct term is cartridge. Sloppy.
Wrong again lol. Just stop please. The Five seven pistol wasnt released for almost a decade after the P90.....Im not just doing internet searches i have fired these weapons and know them quite well. Take a deep breath and google it again, its okay to be wrong haha

The idea was to have a universal PDW/Pistol cartridge. If thats what you mean then ill concede but nowhere did anyone at FN designate this solely for pistols. It took 8 years to make it work in a pistol actually so it didnt do your alleged job well until several weapon redesigns
People Can Now Carry Guns Without A License In Half Of America's States
A remarkably successful effort to make firearms easier to carry has swept across the country over the past 12 years.
Wrong again lol. Just stop please. The Five seven pistol wasnt released for almost a decade after the P90.....Im not just doing internet searches i have fired these weapons and know them quite well. Take a deep breath and google it again, its okay to be wrong haha

The idea was to have a universal PDW/Pistol cartridge. If thats what you mean then ill concede but nowhere did anyone at FN designate this solely for pistols. It took 8 years to make it work in a pistol actually so it didnt do your alleged job well until several weapon redesigns

it’s funny because the squirrel gets dead the bolding is not even mine.
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soooo many times....
right? He shows up bleating ad hominem attacks, logical fallacies, makes shit up and deflects to irrelevant trivia. Then, without reading or perhaps misreading what I said, he makes a false assertion about what I said.

That said, I gave him is chance. But he just defaults to the same old falsehoods and fallacies. Any further replies to the brainwashed gun nut would just be another series of dumbass back and forths going nowhere. I'm guilty of doing too many of those.

not going to do it.
That's the objective. Reductions in suicides, gun homicides and fatal mass shootings. If a gun nut wants to claim this measure is worthless, then they need to tell us why that study is false.

The data on "gun deaths" never seems to include the gun deaths caused by governments.

If a gun control nut, wants to present data and they omit the largest category of "gun deaths" they are presenting false evidence. Gun deaths by government, is the largest category.

That's why.

How many veteran suicides are because they feel like a piece of shit for following orders and killed people they now know was the wrong thing to do?
People Can Now Carry Guns Without A License In Half Of America's States
A remarkably successful effort to make firearms easier to carry has swept across the country over the past 12 years.
The gun lobby and the industry that funds it is going to make bank while red states double down on stupid.