Gun ownership, what's your views?


Well-Known Member
woke up at 5am the other morning to terrified screams for "HELP ME!!!!!". ran out front in my pajamas with nothing more than a bicycle flashlight. there was a car pulled halfway into my driveway coming from the wrong direction. two dudes were trying to stuff a young girl into the back seat of the car. she was screaming bloody murder. i was witnessing a kidnapping.

i'll tell you all what happened next if you first tell me YOUR reaction to this scene.

this really happened so careful with your answers.

It would've definitely freaked me out. I probably would've confronted them and asked "What the hell is going on here"? I think it would be wise not to overreact though before knowing what they were doing. Maybe she was a runaway and they were relatives who had found her. Maybe they were plainclothes detectives making an arrest. Ya never know.


Active Member
I would also like to point out the real issue is not guns per say, but the operators of the firearms. Until a gun has been loaded with a single bullet it can NOT hurt anyone.

It might as well be a cool looking rock until its loaded.


Well-Known Member
woke up at 5am the other morning to terrified screams for "HELP ME!!!!!". ran out front in my pajamas with nothing more than a bicycle flashlight. there was a car pulled halfway into my driveway coming from the wrong direction. two dudes were trying to stuff a young girl into the back seat of the car. she was screaming bloody murder. i was witnessing a kidnapping.

i'll tell you all what happened next if you first tell me YOUR reaction to this scene.

this really happened so careful with your answers.


Shoot everyone 7 times each with a M-16 rifle, then ask their cold dead bodies questions about what is going on. Typical cop strategy, you know, shoot first ask questions later.


New Member
Well, with screaming going on, I may have acquired one of my handguns before I went out the front door, for my own safety, then I suppose I'd of kept it out of sight and asked a couple of questions, like what's going on, to the girl, do you need help. Then depending on what happened next, would depend on what I would do. If necessary I would show the gun and ask them to let the girl go. Now, it is legal to shoot an unarmed man if you fear for your life and he appears to be trying to take away your weapon. About when he is two feet from the gun after you have screamed halt/stop a few times, pull the trigger. Don't hesitate or you may end up dead. Not a scenario I would enjoy. OK what actually happened?


Well-Known Member
Well, with screaming going on, I may have acquired one of my handguns before I went out the front door, for my own safety, then I suppose I'd of kept it out of sight and asked a couple of questions, like what's going on, to the girl, do you need help. Then depending on what happened next, would depend on what I would do. If necessary I would show the gun and ask them to let the girl go. Now, it is legal to shoot an unarmed man if you fear for your life and he appears to be trying to take away your weapon. About when he is two feet from the gun after you have screamed halt/stop a few times, pull the trigger. Don't hesitate or you may end up dead. Not a scenario I would enjoy. OK what actually happened?
The laws vary in each state. Some states if you shoot an unarmed man you are going to jail for manslaughter. Check your local laws on this one. Trust me on this one. I drew my pistol on a guy who came at me when I was sitting parked in my truck. He called the cops on me and I was arrested for pointing a firearm which is a felony where I'm from. The charges were later dropped but not until I hired an attorney and spent thousands to fight it. Be careful even pointing a gun because even in your own front yard, depending on where you live, you could get into some serious trouble. Cops don't like citizens carrying guns and they will go out of there way to punish you for exercising your rights.


Well-Known Member
i think there should be some kind of written test that you would have to pass to get a gun not just a background check

i got my first gun like a month ago its a shotgun:hump:


Well-Known Member
one dude was on the passenger side try to stuff the young lady into the car. she was screaming for me to help her. the driver was at the drivers side standing between me and the other 2. i said "what the hells going on". driver looks at me and says "it's my daughter she is trying to run away". she screams as if in fear for her life "NO I'M NOT!!!!" dude is slamming her against the car. has her in a full bear hug and is visibly hurting her. she is still screaming for help. i said "i don't think this is right". the driver takes 3 steps towards me and says "go back into your house. this doesn't concern you".

now what?


Well-Known Member
one dude was on the passenger side try to stuff the young lady into the car. she was screaming for me to help her. the driver was at the drivers side standing between me and the other 2. i said "what the hells going on". driver looks at me and says "it's my daughter she is trying to run away". she screams as if in fear for her life "NO I'M NOT!!!!" dude is slamming her against the car. has her in a full bear hug and is visibly hurting her. she is still screaming for help. i said "i don't think this is right". the driver takes 3 steps towards me and says "go back into your house. this doesn't concern you".

now what?
I would bust a Rambo, break the dudes neck that was closest to be, pull out my buck knife, do a front flip over the car, slit the other dudes throat, drop kick the other dude in the face, and stomp on his head, spin around and kiss the girl.


Well-Known Member
one dude was on the passenger side try to stuff the young lady into the car. she was screaming for me to help her. the driver was at the drivers side standing between me and the other 2. i said "what the hells going on". driver looks at me and says "it's my daughter she is trying to run away". she screams as if in fear for her life "NO I'M NOT!!!!" dude is slamming her against the car. has her in a full bear hug and is visibly hurting her. she is still screaming for help. i said "i don't think this is right". the driver takes 3 steps towards me and says "go back into your house. this doesn't concern you".

now what?
I guessed right! What do I win? I would call the police at that point. They could be lying to you.


Well-Known Member
I would bust a Rambo, break the dudes neck that was closest to be, pull out my buck knife, do a front flip over the car, slit the other dudes throat, drop kick the other dude in the face, and stomp on his head, spin around and kiss the girl.
LOL!!! Nice! Go all Jackie Chan on they asses!


Well-Known Member
But in all seriousness, I would have brought a gun with me outside, when I saw what was going on I would show my gun and have them all step away and get on the floor, have the girl go into my house and call the police, and wait for them to take care of it. If it didn't work out like that, and they tried to get violent, I wouldn't think twice before shooting them.


Well-Known Member
one dude was on the passenger side try to stuff the young lady into the car. she was screaming for me to help her. the driver was at the drivers side standing between me and the other 2. i said "what the hells going on". driver looks at me and says "it's my daughter she is trying to run away". she screams as if in fear for her life "NO I'M NOT!!!!" dude is slamming her against the car. has her in a full bear hug and is visibly hurting her. she is still screaming for help. i said "i don't think this is right". the driver takes 3 steps towards me and says "go back into your house. this doesn't concern you".

now what?
It is in your concerns you. If dude was her father...who the hell is the guy assaulting the girl? You can't spank your little kids...and you can't slam your teen against the is child abuse.

At this point I would follow medicine man's advice...rack a round...tell 'em to stop...

Although you had only a bike are clearly a super hero...hypnotize them with your magical green thumb.

In light of current events, better a girl is let go, and if in fact is a minor run-away, then a third party who is not tied up emotionally could resolve the issue (without the bruises). The girl is screaming for help...could you live with yourself if she was abducted and killed...and you did not kick the guys ass...or throw your flashlight at him???

In all sincerity I would 1. not have gone out unarmed (but I am not a super hero!)...and 2. this may actually be a case when one should call the cops...though that is a hard one to swallow.



Well-Known Member
It is in your concerns you. If dude was her father...who the hell is the guy assaulting the girl? You can't spank your little kids...and you can't slam your teen against the is child abuse.

At this point I would follow medicine man's advice...rack a round...tell 'em to stop...

Although you had only a bike are clearly a super hero...hypnotize them with your magical green thumb.

In light of current events, better a girl is let go, and if in fact is a minor run-away, then a third party who is not tied up emotionally could resolve the issue (without the bruises). The girl is screaming for help...could you live with yourself if she was abducted and killed...and you did not kick the guys ass...or throw your flashlight at him???

In all sincerity I would 1. not have gone out unarmed (but I am not a super hero!)...and 2. this may actually be a case when one should call the cops...though that is a hard one to swallow.

Hard to swallow indeed but this is what the cops should be doing. Stopping real crimes.


Well-Known Member
so the first thing i did was write down the license plate number of the car in the dew on the side of the truck in my driveway. if they get away with this at least i have a plate #.

by this time the neighbor has come out. i'm yelling at the guy to leave the girl alone. he's still slamming her against the car. she is still begging me for help. the neighbor yells at him to stop and they just keep telling us to go inside. my neighbor says "i'm going to call the police". i tell her "please do, this isn't right". if it was his kid he was abusing her. he had let her go at one point and she didn't run. she stood there scared. i saw this. when he grabbed her again, and i knew the police where on the way, i made my move. i rushed the dude holding her as he was spinning her around and slamming her into the car. i gave him 2 palms to the chest and shoved him back. the girl is free and running towards my wife who has just come down the driveway. the driver rushes me from the right, and out of nowhere a third dude pops up on my left, ....

now what? :)


Well-Known Member
so the first thing i did was write down the license plate number of the car in the dew on the side of the truck in my driveway. if they get away with this at least i have a plate #.

by this time the neighbor has come out. i'm yelling at the guy to leave the girl alone. he's still slamming her against the car. she is still begging me for help. the neighbor yells at him to stop and they just keep telling us to go inside. my neighbor says "i'm going to call the police". i tell her "please do, this isn't right". if it was his kid he was abusing her. he had let her go at one point and she didn't run. she stood there scared. i saw this. when he grabbed her again, and i knew the police where on the way, i made my move. i rushed the dude holding her as he was spinning her around and slamming her into the car. i gave him 2 palms to the chest and shoved him back. the girl is free and running towards my wife who has just come down the driveway. the driver rushes me from the right, and out of nowhere a third dude pops up on my left, ....

now what? :)
Time to start throwing hammers my man.