Gun ownership, what's your views?


Well-Known Member
about the time i had them all sized up and was ready to step foward my wife runs out and starts yelling at them. i told them all to back off and i went to the girl. she was scared to death.

she had no marks on her so the cops couldn't really do anything. they let her go to a family members house who lived elsewhere. she wasn't running away, simply on her way to the bus stop, headed for school. she told us a few things about how she was treated at home. i'm still troubled by it all.

never did need a gun. :)

jeff f

New Member
damn! i followed this thread hoping some asshole was gonna get shot. i am so disappointed! good story ;-)

Illegal Smile

funny, this isn't new to me. kinda how i live. i have NEVER "needed" a gun. bongsmilie
I'd have grabbed my cell phone and been hitting 911 on my way out if I hears someone scream help me. And I would have had a competent dog with me.