Active Member
i ain't got no room for a 3x3 tray.
Smartass!!!Purp... I have never used a 400w HPS...
But I can only imagine that the 600 runs about 200 watts hotter...
You can make it smaller..
And Botanicare has many sizes too...
If you make it out of plywood and pond liner.. you can make it any size or shape you do you make it smaller? i don't need a new tray anyways cuz mines working perfect
i'm sure i will find out if the 600 is 200 watts hotter than the 400....if i ever get it...they just shipped it today and i ordered it like 2 days ago?
What is the best ever?
A few pages back...
a very eloquent post about shooting current politicians.. and how the President should be someone who " has sat at the dinner table, broke, with his head in his hands.. thinking... WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO KNOW???.."
I thought I saw that black dude on the bike before stealing all that cash from that second picSECOND BEST POST EVER ON RIU...