Gypsy's Picture Depot


Well-Known Member
I check this thread out every day.... but wasn't scribed WTF....... guess I forgot...... great thread m8...... Im always lurking here :)

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Here's FDD's take on boosters and additives and such...:razz:
I agree with fdd's comment below that plants dont need additives such as boosters and bloomers etc to increase the bud quality however they do help increase yields. Ive grown plants outdoors in soil with nothing more than water and some Thrive which I use for my tomatoes. The quality of the smoke was great and by adding anything else it wouldnt have improved the quality at all. Although im sure the yield could have been substantially increased if I had them on a better feed schedule with a couple extra additives used.

Originally Posted by fdd2blk
they grow themselves. just water them with food. that's it. the nute industry has gotten us. boosters and bloomers and carb load and sugars. it's all bullshit. this is a simple plant. it has been genetically bred to produce the finest product. why will no one believe in the genes. let the plant do it's own thing. i'm not adding sugars or enhancers. why? it prime weed already. so much goes into breeding yet they lead you to believe you need all these products to produce. it's bullshit.



Well-Known Member
Just thought that I would mention that I am starting to see roots escaping the bottom of the pots...

My guess is that those pots are just socked full of roots...:razz:



Well-Known Member
i agree with fdd's comment below that plants dont need additives such as boosters and bloomers etc to increase the bud quality however they do help increase yields. Ive grown plants outdoors in soil with nothing more than water and some thrive which i use for my tomatoes. The quality of the smoke was great and by adding anything else it wouldnt have improved the quality at all. Although im sure the yield could have been substantially increased if i had them on a better feed schedule with a couple extra additives used.

originally posted by fdd2blk
they grow themselves. Just water them with food. That's it. The nute industry has gotten us. Boosters and bloomers and carb load and sugars. it's all bullshit. this is a simple plant. It has been genetically bred to produce the finest product. Why will no one believe in the genes. Let the plant do it's own thing. I'm not adding sugars or enhancers. Why? It prime weed already. So much goes into breeding yet they lead you to believe you need all these products to produce. It's bullshit.



Well-Known Member
check it out guys, yet another w33d baronz


ooo he topped that shit!! gonna be a killer harvest!

Dis video is Hi-Larious and Price-Less. Also like the pic of Fdd in front of the forest. And i'm on the same train... less is more. I like to know what works... and why it works.

I only use 2 of the 3 parts General Hydroponics Bloom and General Hydroponics Micro. And H2O2. Now I'ma have to watch that video again... with killer sound effx provided by the grower himself !!


Well-Known Member
Soil does not suck my friend that would be your personal opinion. I personally think hydro is to much work and to much money to mantain. Its all in what benefits the user, don't hate man its not cool.



Well-Known Member
Dude WOW that is fucking amazing. I just went to the website and checked it all out. Man I might have to try this. I hate sitting around the house being bored.
