Gypsy's Picture Depot


Well-Known Member
...and that's growing!

Happens to all of us mate, you'll get it sorted ;)
Oh I hear ya!!

I just want to start winter on a CLEAN slate...

There will be no pests for the next 9 months...

It would suck to spend that time using my time and effort fighting a bug...

I'll try to save stuff...

I am NOT freaking out....

I just want to be 110% SURE that I do not have a pest issue AT ALL...:razz:

I can take a drastic step ONCE right now and be dONE with it til next JUNE...:lol:


Well-Known Member
50 a gram? Why is gas so much. Don't u drill there? Bet u miss palin :)
Palin is an idiot, I'm sure anyone with half a brain would see through her guise. Who would want someone "trying" to run the country by rationalizing the situation with what she would do with her children? No political experience what so ever related to a large scale functioning society. She did nothing but scam AK and weaken EPA standards. Palin had nothing to do with cost of living in BFE AK in her short stay as Gov.:cuss:

Sorry Gypsy, politics is my hot spot. I'm calming down now.bongsmilie

Crooked politics are just as bad if not worse than crooked cops!

One of these days the Republicans will pick someone with half a brain and some political knowledge run for office, it has been quite a few terms since there has been anyone with intelligence in that party that outweighs their greed.

BTW Thanks for the start seeing bikes thing. I was a stunter on the highways of Houston but one night a drunk ran me off the road and I wasn't even doing anything out of the ordinary. I lost my bike that night and nearly my life!:shock:



Well-Known Member
I'll say this about Palin...

her HUSBAND sure CAN RIDE a sno-go... :clap:..

The current record for the 2000 mile journey is 37 hours and 19 minutes...



Well-Known Member
I don't count on it... and I would NEVER ask... but it would be nice...:razz:
Maybe a trade...? A clone for some final product or bud that you already have? Possibly some beans? Just tell him your situation and I'm sure he would be a little understanding and maybe willing a trade of some sort


Well-Known Member
Some types of relationship are not like that...

I would NEVER bring it up... period...

If he sees fit... he will give me one...

I didn't ask before.. and I won't ask this time...

I'm weird... he's weirder... and we get along fine that way...:razz:


Well-Known Member
Some types of relationship are not like that...

I would NEVER bring it up... period...

If he sees fit... he will give me one...

I didn't ask before.. and I won't ask this time...

I'm weird... he's weirder... and we get along fine that way...:razz:
That does seem a little weird haha
but no worries dude, I am sure you will get all this taken care of without missing a stride


Active Member
just take a clone of it and using a microscope or something carefully pick every one of those little bastards off each leaf. then stash if somewhere safe until you bomb your house. or whatever your going to do?


Well-Known Member
I will try to save them...

Trust me.. I don't want to start from seed again....

But I am not willing to compromise with the bugs...:raz:


Well-Known Member
full cleaning FULL...... yah know.... then take preventative measures till the ice/snow :)..... sorry to hear...... thripes will go dormant and then come back..... get em all..... they will get inside your fans and shit too ;) FULL anihlation ;)


Well-Known Member
If i had a place to take the clones and quarantine them, I would...

But I don't... there IS NO PLACE besides my house...

So even if I get CLEAN plants, there's carpet in the house... and so I am SURE they will come back...

My idea is to HEAT UP the house... get them going....


I can go somewhere, but not WITH plants...


After the nuke, I would let the house FREEZE...

Then warm it up and NUKE IT AGAIN...

Then freeze, warm and leave a banana in the room for a week...

If I still see bugs, I will repeat...


The prob, is I can't put the outside... and I have no other indoor place to take them...


Well-Known Member
I assume this is all slated for post-tree harvest?


Everything in the flower room will be allowed to finish...

I am just not feeding the room any more clones until I can resolve the problem....


The trees are still untouched...


But the SOG side has some damaged leaves...

So if things get out of control... they will get chopped...


But I have reduced temps down to 65F/day & 55F/night in hopes to contain their spread...

I REALLY hope I can squeeze another 2 weeks of pest free growing for them...


But If I HAD to chop them early, I bet I would still get a joint or two...:eyesmoke:
