Habanero Peppers


Well-Known Member
Self Note

Don't cut fresh habanero, then finger your girlfriend....:clap:I'm a retard, or so she put it
Man was she pissed last night!


hahahahahahaahahahahaha thats fucking hilarious dude hahaahaha! never heard of that happening b4, i have cut them then rubbed my eye that hurt like a bitch,,,,, so i can just imagine your poor girl LOL! wait a couple days until she settles down and ask her how her if you can play with her hot box hahaha! or tell her you wanna see her fire crotch LOL!!!!


Well-Known Member
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA thats fuckin hilarious!!!

i remember when i was 13-14, when i got into fights with my gfs..id put icy hot or bengay or whatever on my condom and fuck her and she'd go ape shit...stupid of me but funny as fuck at the time


Well-Known Member
I would think that the icy hot would hurt you, get like a cold/hot hollow dick feeling, lol yikes! Funniest thing was she said she kinda liked it for a minute, lol, damn me!


Well-Known Member
hahaha...nah i put it on the outside of the condom so i was fine
Dam, that's some cold shit! I mean mine was on accident, but yours is just some cold ass shit to do (Literally). If you did that then what do you do now if you and your gfs get into it?


Well-Known Member
Dam, that's some cold shit! I mean mine was on accident, but yours is just some cold ass shit to do (Literally). If you did that then what do you do now if you and your gfs get into it?
hahaha yeah..it was fucked up but i was an idiot back then...i dont do anything crazy like that anymore. i dont fight often with my girl either. i usually just lose on purpose on certain things and take charge on others. depends on the game.


Well-Known Member
hahaha yeah..it was fucked up but i was an idiot back then...i dont do anything crazy like that anymore. i dont fight often with my girl either. i usually just lose on purpose on certain things and take charge on others. depends on the game.
That is exactly the right answer- "Depends on the game" :) Lolz, Cheers!