Hamilton Carbon Filters Workable or No.....???


Active Member
hamilton makes carbon filters that plug into an outlet with replaceable carbon, these have great reviews for bathrooms, smoking, ect. would they work for growing, im growing 1-2 plants in a 2x3x3. Any EXPERIENCE with these..... i was thinking 1 or 2 inside the box and 1 in the room outside.....Thoughts???


Well-Known Member
I think you'll be disappointed.... Have you ever flowered weed in your house before? LOL... It stinks.... while you and i love the smell, it is a dead giveaway to anyone with the sense of smell along with the sense God gave em... ;)


Active Member
ya its just a thought.... they were recommended to me on RUI for this purpose.... i would REALLY rather not drop like 140 on a centrifugal and filter...... so if this would get me by i would rather do that...... but i dont know what i can get away with...... anyone else have thoughts? planning on a northern lights grow


Active Member
from what ive read, nothern lights pretty chill smelling stuff.

i smoked some with a dude once and it doesnt have much of a smell to it compared to other strains. although my only experience is from it being dried and cured, not a whole plant flowering.

it was a strain i saw recommended because its low in smell. Im probably gonna grow that next since I'm in an apartment.


Well-Known Member
so is Blue mistic and it's great smoke and very nice bag apeal,let it go long enough and you will have couch lock...


Active Member
ya thats why i picked those strains so looks like i did ok on that..... now the phat filters look awesome but expensive, in my situation would one of the cheaper one off maybe HTG supply on ebay still work completely on just a couple plants in a small box.... or with a 40 dollar filter are they still gonna be smelly, also if i go this route i need a centrifugal pump i need to stay as quiet as possible..... anyone have ideas where to get a good quiet centrifugal that fits my application.... for as cheap as possible ( quiet and smell are more important than my wallet, not looking to cheap skate out just trying to get good deal on this stuff)?

Thanks for all your help everyone


Well-Known Member
Hey man go to e-bay and get you a 4" carbon filter for 90.00 free shipping i did and i have no smell in my house and im doing multiple plants and some smellly strains...


Well-Known Member
here is the one i got for this grow a few weeks ago, a four inch should work for you with those strains but to be safe id get the 6" like i did..90.00 e-bay



Active Member
haha ok looks like im just gonna have to bite the bullet gotta wait for the money for the filtration stuff but when i get that i should be under way.... better to spend a little more now and not get caught i think..... im not into gettin busted lol....


Active Member
Definitely spend the money now..if you try to nig rig a bunch of stuff you will end up buying a can fan/filter in 6 months and spending way more money on the long run. A word about filters though, I was a an HTG store in denver and the guy talked me out of going cheap on the filter...he said the budget filters, like the cheap one on HTGsupply.com arent packed well and the quality shows through the price. He said that you shouldnt be able to hear the carbon shake around in the can. The air will not filter through the carbon if it is not packed into a firm solid form, if its loose in the can the air will just divert around the carbon and will not be scrubbed of the smell. Basically he said go cheap on the fan, I got the 6" HO fan from htg for like 80 or 90$ and spent money on the name brand can fan filter. They are the most expensive because they are the best. A good initial investment saves tons of money in the long run!


Active Member
great, thanks for the input i think a 6 in filter and pump should do , might be a little overkill but better too much than too little..... for this small of a box would the 20 or 12 in filters work best and still get enough flow....?