Hanging/Drying in shed in WI.?


Hi all, newbie here,
Is it ok to hang our girls in our backyard shed to dry? The sun hits it for a few hours in the morning right now...but as the leaves drop it will pound it for several hours a day. There are no windows so will be dark. Considering putting some kind of roof vents in, but not sure that would allow enough air circulation. We can probably stretch an extension cord for an occilating fan.
My concern is mold/mildew and would the nights be too cold for it to dry properly?
Please...any help...ideas...most appreciated!!!!

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
yes a shed will work fine but a fan blowing and ventillation would be nice. i prefer the cooler temps to dry so it slows down the drying process where as the heat of summer tends to dry them in a couple days.

a dehumidifier may be needed if your humidity is too high.


Thanks for the info smoke and coke.
A dehumidifier isn't feasible in this instance. I know it would be so much better for the girls.


Well-Known Member
Get them out of direct light! You don't want them getting pounded by the sun at all...the darker the better.