wait longer, my mj clones grow roots in the sb system in 5-7 days. My flowers and house plants take from 7-16 days to get roots. The first time I tried my sb cloner It took a month for my houseplants cuttings. Then I found out why. My tub was sittin on the cold kitchen floor. So the res temp was way low. Then I added a submersible fish tank heater and set it at 69f-70 I got the littlest one that wallyworld had and it works way faster now. Then I got the bright Idea to move it up off the floor into a higher warmer place. now Ive got most mj roots longer than the clone by day 8-9. Ive got clones comin out of my ears now

. Never have I had all my clones live till now. Had to make a second cloner just to keep up

Stinkbud or stinkbuddys
Since this thread is so long and the search button seems as worthless at tits on rosie ohdonald (sp).

How longs a good time to wait to put the clones in the veg with nuits. I put some In and its @1840 ppm rt now and they look fine but I just did it before I went to bed and woke up and it still looks the same. I dont want to waste these lil clones. Thanks a mil