Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

let us be reminded of the 10th amendment... powers not *specifically granted* to the federal government are reserved for the states or the people (intentionally limited/small federal government)! so if the constitution doesn't specifically say they can do it- then they can't.
yet so many unconstitutional things we let the fed. gov get away with ... income tax on exhange of labor for pay(tax dollars don't even pay the interest to the commercial banks on the fiat money printed let alone pay for any gov. service), "drug war"/DEA, non-silver/gold backed money, "healthcare" now...

constitutional power structure we need to enforce is PEOPLE >LOCAL >STATE >federal


Active Member
Hey Stinkbud have you ever grown Headband or Pineapple Express. These are the strains i am most interested in. Also where can i purchase the pumps and sprayers online


OK guys... I've been lurking here for a couple of weeks now and have committed to using this system. I'd also committed to reading the entire thread before posting any questions at the risk of asking any ?s that had been answered. As of this time, I am currently up to p. 390; now I have to break my promise with a request... For the love of God, could everyone take a one week hiatus and allow me to get through this? There are new pages being added quicker that I can digest the old info so I seem to be fighting a loosing battle!

Thanks to Stink and all of the contributing stink buddies out there who are making this thread a must read for anyone wanting to utilize this proven aero/nft system.


Well-Known Member
OK guys... I've been lurking here for a couple of weeks now and have committed to using this system. I'd also committed to reading the entire thread before posting any questions at the risk of asking any ?s that had been answered. As of this time, I am currently up to p. 390; now I have to break my promise with a request... For the love of God, could everyone take a one week hiatus and allow me to get through this? There are new pages being added quicker that I can digest the old info so I seem to be fighting a loosing battle!

Thanks to Stink and all of the contributing stink buddies out there who are making this thread a must read for anyone wanting to utilize this proven aero/nft system.
stop reading if you made it that far. go to www.stinkbuddies.com has everything you need after reading that far
I never mist my cuttings. I just cut them and stick them in the cloner.

If you give them water they won't need to grow roots to get it.

My cuttings never wilt or yellow and they never die.

No need to use Rapid Rooter plugs.

My attitude towards the cuttings is "you want some water? grow some fuckin roots then bitch and you can have all you want".

Works everytime.

Mine wanted water !! so guess what they did


Active Member

You said : I keep my humidity below 60% and have a 200 CFM fan that vents into the attic to keep humidity in check.

If your room is 100% sealed for CO2 purposes, then if you vent the room into the attic, doesnt that suck your CO2 out of the room as well? How do you overcome this obsticle to keep the CO2 levels up? Thanks alot.

Much Respect.

Wow!! I have read over 200 pages and just can't wait any longer. I am thinking about using 2 tents with this Aero/NFT system in 1 and the clone/veg in the other tent.

I have never grown so any advice with a tent and this system is wanted. How tall from the ground (including res and pvc supports) is the top of the plant at harvest? The tent I am looking at is only 6'5" tall. I dont want to change the original setup any more then I have to but I thought I may have to to accommodate taller plants. I have plant restrictions also so I can only flower 9 at any one time for right now so I am having the flower unit as a 3 post 3 hole setup if I can.

How much room does each planet need in the flowering stage with this Aero/NFT setup?

Any advice on any of this is greatly appreciated. I was going to make a new thread more geared to growing with tents but since this system is the only one I will use I figured it would be ok.

Things that I am trying to accomplish...

Odor Control - Gotta have stealth
Budget - the least expensive solution that will last is what I am looking for

I figured the tents would be a good addition to trying to control odor?

Great info StinkBud! Did this ever get published?
