Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!


Well-Known Member
Thought you guys might like to see what's up with my rooms.

I modified my 6-hole unit to give me more room. I'm running Blueberry, Purple Silver, Goo and Diesel in it.

I have my cloner and veg system right next to each other in my bathroom closet. The lights are on 24/7.

You can see my new seedlings. Totally unique strains that I bred myself. They usually end up junk but you never know! Keep watching and see how they turn out.

The flower room has 10 different strains going right now. I never have any problems so what do I report? It's just a shit load of bud that never seams to end!

I'm letting the system on the left go until the Elvy, AK47 and Skunk are done. I don't care how long it takes. I'll pull the Blueberry before it gets over ripe but every thing else is staying.

Hope you guys enjoy the photos!
Very nice:clap:


Well-Known Member
Thank you for your comment Stink
i was thinking to turn the sprayers upside down or at a 45 angle, and connect them this way on the top corner instead of the bottom
i think this will eliminate root clogging the sprayers, or tangling in them
whats your take on that, do you think ill have an issue with that?


Well-Known Member
I'm adding the CO2 after I harvest my first system. Do have any reccomendations as to what units to use? I know I have seen it listed before, but I will be adding a controller like you use as well. Just figuring out if its better to use a bottle or a generator for the CO2.

As always your plants look awesome! It's always inspiring t ocome check in on this thread and see how everyone is doing!


Well-Known Member
Thank you for your comment Stink
i was thinking to turn the sprayers upside down or at a 45 angle, and connect them this way on the top corner instead of the bottom
i think this will eliminate root clogging the sprayers, or tangling in them
whats your take on that, do you think ill have an issue with that?
I asked allready and he said that they dont work right upside down. I was gone to do the same thing to make room for roots and keep from cloggin. He said that the pipe is tall enough that the roots run down the sides and only get about half inch deep. I even thought of using 2 tees at each end with caps so it makes little legs to hold it up even higher:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Thank you for your comment Stink
i was thinking to turn the sprayers upside down or at a 45 angle, and connect them this way on the top corner instead of the bottom
i think this will eliminate root clogging the sprayers, or tangling in them
whats your take on that, do you think ill have an issue with that?
I believe it is a good idea especially if your only using 2" net pots. There should be enough room. I use 3" and there is not enough room up top. You have to have a higher GPH pump to produce more PSI in line for the sprayer to operate correctly.


Active Member
Hey Stinkbud!

Just wanted to say that this thread quickly took me from a occasional visitor to this site to an avid reader.

I stumbled upon these forums about 2 weeks ago and as much as many other posts try and do to be informative and educate new growers, I find myself irrevocably drawn to this thread time and time again. When I found out that not only were you a fellow Oregonian (I live and have lived in Texas for years now, but I always go back when I can), and also a firm believer in the power of medicinal marijuana for those that need it, I was completely floored. I've been a long time smoker, occasional activist, and sometimes a hopeless "pot growing dreamer", and I plan to learn and apply as much as I can from you and you're methods.

In short, as far as weed goes, you are a fucking hero man, and I hope to emulate you as much as I possibly can.


Active Member
Btw, is there a condensed version of this thread somewhere I can find? Maybe a list of what all materials I would need and directions on how to build an aero garden? I love this thread to death, but theres only so much time a day I can devote to picking great info out of a 2000+ reply thread.

I have never grown before, but I have spent a LOT of time on the internet researching and studying many different aspects of growing herb, and I've pretty much settled on this method since it, well, Stinkbud makes it look so god damn easy to do.


Well-Known Member
I asked allready and he said that they dont work right upside down. I was gone to do the same thing to make room for roots and keep from cloggin. He said that the pipe is tall enough that the roots run down the sides and only get about half inch deep. I even thought of using 2 tees at each end with caps so it makes little legs to hold it up even higher:leaf:
thanks andyman
I'm planing on playing around with them to test a few positions
saw on another post by Earl tones on info about pumps and sprayers
ill do some reading and figure it out, i don't see why the sprayers cannot be located at the top and be out of the way
especially when every professional grade NFT manufacturer out there places them on the top corner

I believe it is a good idea especially if your only using 2" net pots. There should be enough room. I use 3" and there is not enough room up top. You have to have a higher GPH pump to produce more PSI in line for the sprayer to operate correctly.
thanks DubB83, i think its a good idea to
i will figure it out

You are correct, page 75 is a good one.

Here is one that I've found even more helpful though: Untitled1 went to the trouble of putting a little PDF together that never got much attention, but it is a great one. Check it out:

used this one, very nice
(has few minor errors in it though)


Active Member
You are correct, page 75 is a good one.

Here is one that I've found even more helpful though: Untitled1 went to the trouble of putting a little PDF together that never got much attention, but it is a great one. Check it out:

I guess some people are fine reading instructions directly from the thread, but it helps me a lot if I can print it out and look at it while I'm building. As long as one or two stinkbuddies found it useful then I'm happy.


Well-Known Member
I guess some people are fine reading instructions directly from the thread, but it helps me a lot if I can print it out and look at it while I'm building. As long as one or two stinkbuddies found it useful then I'm happy.
Thank you sir,
your hard work is appreciated!


Well-Known Member
pissed off

tried veg system, sealed it up, (cloner stink version)

i had blue 180 misters and black 360's the blue ones was shooting out a few lines of water each mister (working)

but the black 1's wasnt in there good enough it was the only drill bit i had

they keep turning when i try to tighten them obviously shoulda used a smaller drill bit, pisses me off tho

but i tried this one so i could do it perfect with harvest setup!

any idea's on what i should do? i dont know what kind of misters these are im gonna take a pic soon!..

and of progress, you guys can tell me what u think

for harvest setup i wanted to get some kind of tubing to put misters into maybe it would work easier i think using pvc isnt the best bet for a noob like myself :P, or the proper misters would work to :(!

any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Hey bro when u get pissed off your cooking your brain and you don't think straight follow stinkbuds directions and take your time PVC pipe is great follow the directions the black misters are the wrong ones the hole is to small u want the red areocloner misters hope this helps remember this system is best follow the directions and great things await u peace


Well-Known Member
very true..

what about teflon tape to seal the thread better could i do that?

i just wanted to see water come out shit,

the black misters i got i think are outdoor i hope they arnt

the blue ones work awesome i put much water in and they stopped working took some out they kept going, i was using it in a big twice the size of a 18 gallon but i only filled it to input of pump

i have to say there is no mist with these, just lines of water shooting out or just a horrible tiny mist.


Well-Known Member
bubbler, you know what misters im talkin about

friend said they hooked to a outdoor drip system or something

all i know is the blue ones look the same as earl uses.


Well-Known Member
Ya I know what misters your talking about u need the red areo cloner misters those are the only ones you want and hey bro earls misters probably work but stink bud has desighned a way better system for us follow the directions and u will have a pound every 3 weeks


Active Member
Hey guys, I'm in the process of making my flower room and I was really wanting to do it in a tent set up. Unfortunately the biggest grow tent that is available online is 4'x8'x7' or a 6x6x6. In the build it says that Stinkbud had designed it for a 7'x8' closet. So my question is, Is it possible to put all three flowering units in a 4x8 or 6x6 area. The reason being is because I plan to do the grow in my garage but I wish not to take up the hole garage. Any help, advice or suggestions will really be appreciated.