1st Harvest - 4 plants - Purple Punch harvested it by flushing for just 2 days - small yield 3 ounces. Tried right after I cut it down takes Horrible, great light up and burns but horrible chemical taste. So the other 2 were dry as a bone but I flushed every day for 7 days with just water then harvest tiny yields 1.3 ounce, and .9 ounce. Tried these as well so dry burns nice but horrible after taste. Final plant Sunset Octane - Flushed for 7 days - medium - good yield for me 10.2 oz let hang dry for today the 10th day. Jarred it up decided to try it out looks great nice trichomes red hairs but same Smooth to the fire but exhale - just chemical taste can not describe how to disappoint I am with my first grow.
Now on my 2nd grow - I have 12 plants - 7 strains - I am keeping a much better log of water and weeks in flower as well. At day 50 I am going to try using the Detox then straight water until day 65 = 70 of harvest... I hope that this removes all the chemicals and pleasant aftertaste.
I have a greater appreciation for all the growers that successfully grow Weed and comes out amazing! All Youtuber's make it look so easy but flushing is something that i completely suck at.
Please is there any way to save the weed? Any tricks to use? I tried with my Diamond OG and the Lemon Berry OG water curring them for 7days just finished used the dehydrator. Look good the buds nice a try fired them up burn nice to fire, have a real smooth taste but bam dirt they taste like burnt dirt on exhale???
Please dear god have a solution to my problem. otherwise i might use my crappy week to make butter or brownies? But fear that will taste crappy too.
Please help if you have a way to save f*cked up Flushing.
thank you,
Sorry to jump around if you are still reading thank you in advance.
Now on my 2nd grow - I have 12 plants - 7 strains - I am keeping a much better log of water and weeks in flower as well. At day 50 I am going to try using the Detox then straight water until day 65 = 70 of harvest... I hope that this removes all the chemicals and pleasant aftertaste.
I have a greater appreciation for all the growers that successfully grow Weed and comes out amazing! All Youtuber's make it look so easy but flushing is something that i completely suck at.
Please is there any way to save the weed? Any tricks to use? I tried with my Diamond OG and the Lemon Berry OG water curring them for 7days just finished used the dehydrator. Look good the buds nice a try fired them up burn nice to fire, have a real smooth taste but bam dirt they taste like burnt dirt on exhale???

Please help if you have a way to save f*cked up Flushing.
thank you,
Sorry to jump around if you are still reading thank you in advance.