Has President Obama Deepened The Racial Divide In America?

"Has President Obama Deepened The Racial Divide In America?"

Yes, he turned blacks against whites, rich against the poor, sick against healthy, employers against workers, he learned from Marx, Lenin and Hitler how to do it.

He is against everything good our great country ever achieved.

He learned from Marx, Lenin, Stalin and Hitler how to enslave and totally rule a society.

Stalin & Hitler killed millions for the sake of ideology.

Obama will soon kill thousands of cancer and other very sick patients after all his lies and deception about "if you like you kn ow what" ....... you can keep it.


I was born and raised in Soviet Gulag (if you don't know what it is better fucken learn).

America is not immune to tyranny, no country in human history ever has.

Soviet Gulag my arse!
Stop making statements that are pure nonsense.

Obama learnt from Lenin, Marx and Hitler....???

At least he learnt from someone, which is more than can be said for you.
Special ed, short bus window licking, fantasy Gulag, imbecile story telling KNOBHEAD!!!

Ты идиота!
Sarcasm must not be conveying well. Let me be more direct. OP is fucking retarded. Obama has not deepened the racial divide, he is just black. While that certainly pisses off a lot of racist people it doesn't make for deepening of a massive division.
Original author unknown.

Has President Obama Deepened The Racial Divide In America?
Rob Miller at the Watcher's Council invited me to contribute to the Council's discussion on the question of whether "President Obama has deepened the racial divide." My response is below:

Historically, nothing has more poisoned our society than racism and the "racial divide" caused thereby. Today, half the equation - white racism - no longer prevails in society. But the "racial divide" is still deep. It is a divide carefully tended by the far left. For some of the blacks who have bought into it, there is money and power. There are the race baiters like Al Sharpton and Jessee Jackson. There are the tenured professorships at every university in ethnic studies programs that teach nothing but racial grievance. And there are the far left politician, every one of them of whatever color, including President Obama. They depend on keeping that racial divide wide since it is, for them, not merely a route to political power, but a foundational element of it.

Blacks, starting with Goldwater's incredibly ill advised opposition to the Civil Rights Act, have been convinced that their interests lay with the left. And blacks have ever since proven to be a monolithic voting block like none ever before seen in our nation. Over 90% of every black vote since the mid-60's has gone for Democrats. If the left ever loses that block of votes, they will be in deep, deep electoral trouble.

So is it any surprise at all that President Obama has tried to poison the well of race relations at every turn? No administration in history has ever played the race card like the Obama administration. Want to prevent voter fraud - you're racist. Oppose Obama's spending - you're a neo-confederate "tea bagger." Oppose Obamacare - you might as well be standing next to Bull Connor in Selma setting the dogs loose on MLK.

When Obama had a chance to actually address the problems in the black community a few days ago, he told us that Trayvon Martin was Baracky Jr. He told us how bad it was, based on his personal experience, to be a black man in America and be 'profiled' because of his skin color. Lest there be any question that he was saying that racism - as opposed to rationality about black violence and criminality - was the cause, Obama expounded further. As to dysfunction in the black community - the violence, single mothers, cyclical poverty, substandard education - Obama told us that those things must be put in "historical context."

There is no question that, in the short run, Obama has worsened race relations in our nation. But I would submit that, in the end, the efforts of him and his administration is only adding straws to a proverbial camel's back. At some point, it will break - to the immense benefit of our nation and the black community in particular. It has to because all the imperatives that gave rise to the black Civil Rights movement have flipped.

In the 1960's, blacks were the subject of white racism. In 2013, racism has been wholly driven from mainstream society. Our society has revolutionized, and done so in only three generations, like no other in recorded history. To the extent racism exists today, it is on the margins. When you see a woman at one of race hustler Al Sharpton's rallies hold up a sign that says "Racism's stll alive. They Just Be Hiding It," that tells you all you need to know about the absence of racism in mainstream society.

Two, the moral high ground no longer rests with blacks. The most significant problems besetting black society - criminality, violence, breakdown of the family with three out of every four black children born to single mothers - those are problems internal to black society. They are not caused by white racism. Moreover, to the extent that the government contributes to the problems of the black community, it is ultimately because, one, addressing the problems of black society honestly would break the monolithic voting block on which the left relies, and in the case of education, would mean taking on teachers unions that provide the single greatest source of funding for the Democrats. That still, today, so many blacks refuse to acknowledge this is surreal. The real travesty of all this is that Republicans, despite the urging of such luminaries as Thomas Sowell, have not made any concerted effort to point out these truths to the black community and seek their votes.

Lastly, since whites make up the majority of society, the success of the racial grievance industry ultimately rests on the existence of white guilt. But with racism no longer endemic to society, white guilt is fast fading. The race card is becoming ever less effective, and at some point, the constant claim that anything the left doesn't like is motivated by conservative's racism is not merely going to be ineffective, it is going to engender outright anger.

We are inexorably moving to the day when blacks stop their monolithic support of the far left. That will mean that they have joined American society and are no longer claiming to be perpetual victims of it. It will be the day the racial divide ends - and President Obama, with his administration's overuse of the race card, will have, wholly unintentionally, done his part to end it.

I would say the answer is yes. I would lay most of the blame on the masses for furthering the elected officials goals on this matter. It is obvious that people can't see the leaders shaping our thoughts and beliefs to suit their agenda's.

Help me out here, one sock to another. When you say original author unknown, do you avoid linking to where ever the fuck this comes from, because you are embarrassed by the source?

What exactly is the Watchers Council? Is it the same one mentioned in Buffy the Vampire Slayer?

As to the president deepening the racial divide, isn't racism over. I read a tweet recently from the GOP, and they thanked Rosa Parks for her part in ending it. Isn't that why the Supreme Court struck down section four of the voting rights act?

I was under the impression that Buck and Cheesus were the last living racist on the planet

Well thanks, for bringing us more of whatever the hell this is. I'm sure it will prove useful to someone, somewhere.
For me the clincher in this article is about racism not existing in mainstream culture, it's pretty hard to be racist when you dealing with different races all day, trust me I know this for a fact. Our "leaders" do the same thing, trying to create a racial divide but it's backfiring at the moment, now that our so called president has fucked up so badly, well the whole country is united against him, so how racist can the mainstream actually be?

Why do you think I am immune to the racist and white supremist slur, I get told this everyday by our government and their useful idiots, it just doesn't have the any effect any-more.

People that can't see what obama is doing are going to wake up one day and be droned for picking there noses because it wasn't approved by obama care.
I think it's funny that this president puts these idiots in the position where they must try to defend him. :lol:

Sorry dolts, it's pointless, you're only giving blathering lip service to the other lefties that are just as pathetic.
It's has to suck to be a lefty right now.
Does the author matter, really does it? the truth is the truth no matter the source. Actually knowing the source can distract you from the truth, the opposite is true too.
How about you Klan wannabes give an example of Obama being racist

The cops that arrested that black guy near Boston. They were just doing their job. Obama said they were stupid on national tv.

His response to the matrin and zimmerman.

He directed his justice department to not go after the black panthers for voter intimidation, despite the existence of video evidence plainly showing such behavior.

And, since he is half black, and half white, he could of just as easily married a white woman. Instead he chose a black woman. Black women are less attractive. This is an overt example of his racism.
I am ashamed to say I voted for him first term. I bought into his BullShit once. He is simply an embarrassment to the US. I do not affiliate and would be ashamed to line up with either "party".
And, since he is half black, and half white, he could of just as easily married a white woman. Instead he chose a black woman. Black women are less attractive. This is an overt example of his racism.

"sorry Michelle but I can't marry you because you're black and marrying a black woman would be overtly racist."

You're an idiot.

Michelle has a big booty, men who like big butts cannot lie. Their other male siblings can not controvert this.
The cops that arrested that black guy near Boston. They were just doing their job. Obama said they were stupid on national tv.

His response to the matrin and zimmerman.

He directed his justice department to not go after the black panthers for voter intimidation, despite the existence of video evidence plainly showing such behavior.

And, since he is half black, and half white, he could of just as easily married a white woman. Instead he chose a black woman. Black women are less attractive. This is an overt example of his racism.

Keep digging
I think it's funny that this president puts these idiots in the position where they must try to defend him. :lol:

Sorry dolts, it's pointless, you're only giving blathering lip service to the other lefties that are just as pathetic.
It's has to suck to be a lefty right now.

If those 'lefties' are such 'dolts' how come they often win argument by using specific arguments...?
Rather than making pointless vague insults (like 'dolt')???

Maybe you can help to enlighten me???
The cops that arrested that black guy near Boston. They were just doing their job. Obama said they were stupid on national tv.

His response to the matrin and zimmerman.

He directed his justice department to not go after the black panthers for voter intimidation, despite the existence of video evidence plainly showing such behavior.

And, since he is half black, and half white, he could of just as easily married a white woman. Instead he chose a black woman. Black women are less attractive. This is an overt example of his racism.

That's the best you can manage..?

" And, since he is half black, and half white, he could of just as easily married a white woman. Instead he chose a black woman. Black women are less attractive. This is an overt example of his racism".
Yes its an example of 'overt racism' from the poster.
He seems to think that marriage is only acceptable between people of the same (or half the same) colour.
I am ashamed to say I voted for him first term. I bought into his BullShit once. He is simply an embarrassment to the US. I do not affiliate and would be ashamed to line up with either "party".

Come to England
We have THREE useless parties, instead of TWO.
Barack Obama will go down in history as the biggest racial and class divider of our lifetime.

They said similar things about Lincoln in 1864
Guess what...?


He's gone down in history as one of the greats

Whereas you'll just end up 'going down'.