Hash oil diff. consistency??


Active Member
Hey everyone,
So I have been messing around with hash oil for some time. Ive been using the colibri and vector butane. My question is how do you keep it in a liquid form? When the butane is collected i have been scraping it up after waiting about 25 minutes and keeping it in a jar with the lid off for another 25 minutes. When it is first scraped its really thick and gooey and will sometimes become almost solid (not solid enough to handle).

The reason I am wondering is because a lot of the dispensaries in Colorado have straight CLEAR oil that stays in liquid form and there is no need to heat before messing with it. I have tried giving a water bath to the oil jar and it will cook down to a clear liquid however when taken away from the heat it sludges up into almost a full melt hash that can be handled and instantly melts when warmed.

I have talked to tons of people and nobody knows how to keep it liquid form. DOES ANYONE KNOW?? I am also interested in the other consistencies other people have made it into and how they have done it (ex. solid hash, liquid, powder or dehydrated)


Well-Known Member
so nobody really knows??
the trichomes are not liquid more crystal like, the more runny it is, the more butane there is in it.

I like it when its like toffee, thats just right for me, have it in a container you can put a good air tight lid on, and keep it in the fridge to keep the butane thats left in it as liquid and not gas.