"he died for your freedoms"


Ursus marijanus

Can't tell you how many people I have seen just on the few forums I use always saying "I'm just gonna vote for the lesser to evils" or saying how they rather vote for Obama because they know people like Ron Paul won't win anyways, or people not voting at all, so many wasted votes I've seen in the past months.
Because it's my duty to not abandon a vote that will have direct bearing on who gets nominated for SCOTUS. That's a President's real power. cn


Well-Known Member
"attack America" by pointing out it's shortcomings? You're the one that's unAmerican. You and your buddy BigRed, you sit by while America is destroyed from the inside out and think your saviors Romney and Ryan are the only way to get back on track. Just shut the fuck up already.
You do attack America. Your "shortcomings" are straight out of a hate speech by Chavez or Ahmadinejad. There is no truth in them, just hate. Where have I promoted Romney and Ryan? I haven't. Your hate speech adds nothing to the conversation, so why don't you "Just shut the fuck up already."


Well-Known Member
You do attack America. Your "shortcomings" are straight out of a hate speech by Chavez or Ahmadinejad. There is no truth in them, just hate. Where have I promoted Romney and Ryan? I haven't. Your hate speech adds nothing to the conversation, so why don't you "Just shut the fuck up already."
stormfront snitch says what?


Well-Known Member
You do attack America. Your "shortcomings" are straight out of a hate speech by Chavez or Ahmadinejad. There is no truth in them, just hate. Where have I promoted Romney and Ryan? I haven't. Your hate speech adds nothing to the conversation, so why don't you "Just shut the fuck up already."

Oh, is that so?

Coming from a guy who asked for proof of my claims, I provided it, and you yourself said you're too lazy to actually look it up and confirm it.

I think we've seen the extent of your knowledge on the subject, bud, if you were born in 1966, you've LIVED THROUGH some of them.

Maybe you should just sit back and let ol' freedomworks get his beating solo, you're not really helping his case anyway..

Criticizing American foreign politics which got us exactly where we are today is considered "hate speech" is it.. Welcome to America, where we enjoy the freedom of speech, hateful or otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Oh, is that so? Coming from a guy who asked for proof of my claims, I provided it, and you yourself said you're too lazy to actually look it up and confirm it. I think we've seen the extent of your knowledge on the subject, bud, if you were born in 1966, you've LIVED THROUGH some of them. Maybe you should just sit back and let ol' freedomworks get his beating solo, you're not really helping his case anyway.. Criticizing American foreign politics which got us exactly where we are today is considered "hate speech" is it.. Welcome to America, where we enjoy the freedom of speech, hateful or otherwise.
You don't criticize American politics except in a tertiary way. The gist of your comments is just "Fuck America". I wasn't born in 1966. Apparently, you admit you have no direct knowledge of the events, just what you have read on some "blame America for everything" web site. You claim we are "raping" other countries because we buy their products. This is so unrealistic and biased, I can safely say your posts are that of a wanna-be terrorist who is just too much of a pussy to actually do anything other than post on an obscure forum. Fortunately for us all, you are too much of a coward to be any real threat.


Well-Known Member
And you didn't provide any proof, just a list of obscure names and then expect me to prove your point for you.


Well-Known Member
You don't criticize American politics except in a tertiary way. The gist of your comments is just "Fuck America". I wasn't born in 1966. Apparently, you admit you have no direct knowledge of the events, just what you have read on some "blame America for everything" web site. You claim we are "raping" other countries because we buy their products. This is so unrealistic and biased, I can safely say your posts are that of a wanna-be terrorist who is just too much of a pussy to actually do anything other than post on an obscure forum. Fortunately for us all, you are too much of a coward to be any real threat.
And you didn't provide any proof, just a list of obscure names and then expect me to prove your point for you.
Wouldn't want to trouble you to have to read all of this and possibly learn something, so there's a TL;DR version at the bottom for your lazy ass.

Salvador Allende

In office Nov. 4, 1970 - Sept. 11, 1973


The 1973 Chilean coup d'état was a watershed event of the Cold War and the history of Chile. Following an extended period of social and political unrest by the conservative-dominated Congress of Chile against the democratically-elected socialist President Salvador Allende, Allende was overthrown in a coup d’état. The United States played a prominent role in the events, funding the conservative opposition and utilising the Central Intelligence Agency in sabotage campaigns to encourage a coup; subsequently supporting the Allende goverment's replacement with a military junta led by Army Commander-in-Chief Augusto Pinochet.

Since it's probably safe to say you've never heard who Augusto Pinochet is;

Augusto José Ramón Pinochet Ugarte, more commonly known as Augusto Pinochet (Spanish pronunciation: [auˈɣusto pinoˈtʃet]), (25 November 1915 – 10 December 2006) was an army general and dictator of Chile from 1973 until transferring power to a democratically elected president in 1990. He was the commander-in-chief of the Chilean army from 1973 to 1998 and president of the Government Junta of Chile from 1973 to 1981. He assumed power in a coup d'état on 11 September 1973 that overthrew the Government of Salvador Allende.

By early 1972, Pinochet was General Chief of Staff of the Army. In 23 August 1973 he was promoted to Commander-in-Chief of the Chilean Army by president Salvador Allende. On 11 September 1973 Pinochet joined a coup d'état which overthrew Allende's elected socialist government. In December 1974 the military junta appointed Pinochet as President by a joint decree, with which Air Force General Gustavo Leigh disagreed. From the beginning, the government implemented harsh measures against its political opponents. According to various reports and investigations 1,200–3,200 people were killed, up to 80,000 were interned, and up to 30,000 were tortured by his regime including women and children.


Upon assuming power, Allende began to carry out his platform of implementing a socialist program called La vía chilena al socialismo ("the Chilean Path to Socialism"). This included nationalization of large-scale industries (notably copper mining and banking), and government administration of the health care system, educational system (with the help of an U.S. educator, Jane A. Hobson-Gonzalez from Kokomo, Indiana), a program of free milk for children in the schools and shanty towns of Chile, and an expansion of the land seizure and redistribution already begun under his predecessor Eduardo Frei Montalva, who had nationalized between one-fifth and one-quarter of all the properties listed for takeover. The Allende government's intention was to seize all holdings of more than eighty thousand irrigated hectares. Allende also intended to improve the socio-economic welfare of Chile's poorest citizens; a key element was to provide employment, either in the new nationalized enterprises or on public work projects.

1970 election

According to the 1975 Church Commission Report, covert United States involvement in Chile in the decade between 1963 and 1973 was extensive and continuous. The CIA spent $8 million in the three years between 1970 and the military coup in September 1973, with over $3 million in 1972 alone. Covert American activity was present in almost every major election in Chile in the decade between 1963 and 1973, but its actual effect on electoral outcomes is not altogether clear. Chile, more than any of its South American neighbors had an extensive democratic tradition dating back to the early 1930s, and even before. Because of this, it is difficult to gauge how successful CIA tactics were in swaying voters.

Salvador Allende ran again in the 1970 presidential election, winning a narrow plurality (near 37%). U.S. president Richard Nixon stated his fear that Chile could become "another Cuba", and the U.S. cut off most of its foreign aid to Chile and supported Allende's opponents in Chile during his presidency, intending to encourage Allende's resignation, his overthrow, or his defeat in the impending election of 1976. To this end, the Nixon administration clandestinely funded independent and non-state media and labor unions.

The CIA had also drawn up a second plan, Track II. The agency would find military officers willing to support a coup and provide them with support. They could then call new elections in which Allende could be defeated.

In September 1970, President Nixon found that an Allende regime in Chile would not be acceptable and authorized $10 million to stop Allende from coming to power or unseat him. As part of the Track II initiative, the CIA used false flag operatives to approach Chilean military officers, to encourage them to carry out a coup. A first step to overthrowing Allende required removing General René Schneider, the army chief commander. Scheider was a constitutionalist and would oppose a coup d'etat. To assist in the planned kidnapping of Schneider, the CIA provided "$50,000 cash, three sub machine guns, and a satchel of tear gas, all approved at headquarters...": The sub machine guns were delivered by diplomatic pouch.


Project FUBELT (also known as Track II) is the code name for the secret Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operations that were to prevent Salvador Allende rise to power before his confirmation, and promote a military coup in Chile.

The highlights of Project FUBELT are cited in declassified U.S. government documents released by the National Security Archive on September 11, 1998, 25 years after the coup, as well as in papers uncovered by a 1975 congressional inquiry.

CIA memoranda and reports on Project FUBELT include meetings between United States Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and CIA officials, CIA cables to its Santiago station, and summaries of secret action in 1970 — detailing decisions and operations to undermine the election of Salvador Allende in September 1970 and promote a military coup.


And that's just scratching the surface.

TL;DR - The Chilean government was going in the opposite direction of American interests with the nationalization of industries and concern for their own people. The Nixon administration funded and supported a military coup against Allende to replace him with someone more geared toward American interests. The coup was successful and Agusto Pinochet became dictator which resulted in the capture, torture, and execution of anyone who got in his way from 1973 until 1990.

Anyone with any sort of grasp on history would have been taught this shit in school, but I probably just went to a liberal school that indoctrinated me with anti-American hatred, right?

It's shit like this that leads international anti-American sentiment across the globe, not me standing up and admitting it.

This post would be 10 pages long if I did the same thing for Mosaddegh or Arbenz, or the dozens of others.

Do you even know what the Iran hostage crisis was about?

Have you ever had a legitimate history class in your life?

Don't you think it would be better for everyone except big business in America if we didn't do shit like this just to keep the cash flowing?

...and you wonder why they burn American flags..


Well-Known Member
the freedom NOT to be blown to smitherines by some stupid, knuckle dragging, cave dweller while you are sitting at your desk in new york city, on a plane on your way through scotland, a subway in london, a train in spain, and an embassy in benghazi.

the freedom NOT to be beheaded in a public square because you are catholic, jewish, or any other religion that isnt muslim.

the freedom to drive a car and go to school if you are a young woman.

the freedom to be gay and not be stoned to death........to name a few

you lefties are dumb.

You folks still actually believe that somehow our engagin in two wars 10,000 miles away "protect our freedoms". No one is threatening to behead me in the public square nor would they even if we had not engaged in those wars. No one is threateneing to take away my wife's right to drive a car. I think you give those few muslim extremists far too much credit - and I think you bought into all the fear mongering of the early 2000's.

So far as that gay thing goes, how about their freedom to marry? the military protecting that as well? But I remind you. I said specificly - that no soldier in the last 8 decades has died for any of my freedoms.

No one has shown me how they have, they have just conjured some imaginary threat and extrapolated from there. This goes even further in making my point. You folks offer excuses as to why our citizens are dying.


Well-Known Member
When I was in, the suicide rate crept to an all-time high. These people genuinely believe they are trying to make a difference somewhere. They realize we have no moral imperative and that is alot of why these suicides happen. It's easy to shoot someone when an entire nation says it's okay. When you start having to justify your actions, you start to realize you may have been duped. That's a harsh reality to face. Those folks who demonize our troops should remember that. These aren't hardened killers, they're confused 18 year-olds. These folks, for the most part, genuinely beleive they are doing something good. In some respects, they are. Overall though, people should do less of the "baby killer" bit and more of the "tell me why what you did is right" bit. The Socratic method is great, and it reduces conflict when properly applied.

You hit it on the head - our soldiers have no moral imperative, they are given one with the jingoistic statement "if you die you will be dying for our freedom". Those that believe it are the saddest, well except for those who have lost their legs or arms or eyes "defending our freedom" that in actualliaty did not need defending at all, at least in the way they were engaging in that "defense"


Well-Known Member
The government is not obligated to present you with the latest top secret intel. Leaking intel sinks ships!
Here it is again. A person who undoubtedly doesn't trust his government with his health care, his money or his business is fully blindly accepting when that same government tells him why we are going to war or that someone they have imprisoned is a terrorist or a criminal.

Strange lot these.


Well-Known Member
In all my years in the Military, which included a tour in Vietnam, I never heard any talk about "fighting for freedoms".
We talked a lot about staying alive and getting back to the world.
Smoking dope, getting drunk, and eating pussy were also popular topics of conversation.
Fighting for "Freedom" never came up.
Probably because most of us were there against our will.

Don't thank me for my service.
I did it for me, not you.