Heat/humidity help


Active Member
hey my grow box gets hot real easily because it isent that big..its only for about 1 or 2 plants.I have 4 -100 watt white cools and when all 4 of them are on it reaches up to 103* F and 20 for humidity..,,that cant be good.. so i bought a mini fan and cut some holes..,little progress but still gets hot..only have 3 bulbs on now.. any suggestions


Well-Known Member
put an exhaust/inline fan, ive heard people buy dry ice to cool there grow rooms too but idk


Agreed, there isn't much you can except increase the volume of air exchange... pull out the hot air & replace with cooler air. A fan on the plants might also help, but they are probably hard pressed to transpire enough as is. It may cost some $$$, but a portable a/c unit will greatly help the matter. Best.


Active Member
i cut a hole in the back of my box, and stuck my 7 inch fan halfway in halfway out to bring in some fresh air..,and cut a nice hole for exhaust for now..gonna get another fan and do it vise versa..but yeah thats helped a shitload now all 4 lights are on and temps at about 87 or so..gonna turn 1 off in a little bit..humidity is at 30% is that normal??
...wow this is the best hobby ive ever come across.honestly

oh and my dimension is about 4 ft height and a ft nd a half lentgh/width(if that)....my first grow box ever so im pumped on it..good enough for a plant or two

Iron Lungz23

Well-Known Member
You're gonna need to get that humidity up to at least 45-50% bro! Growth may be inhibited & you may get pests at 30% humidity.


Active Member
You're gonna need to get that humidity up to at least 45-50% bro! Growth may be inhibited & you may get pests at 30% humidity.
how do i get humidity up man??

i dont know if supposed to be actually watering the plants yet..
ive been just spraying them every few hours