help a girl out!!! lots of pics.


Active Member
first sight.jpgfirst sight 2.jpgimage 1.jpgimage 2.jpgimage 3.jpgimage 4.jpgfirst sight.jpgimage 6.jpgimage 7.jpg

thanks for looking everyone. well, heres the facts: plants are about 4 weeks old in sunshine mix #4 amended with perlite and lime. nute are jacks classic and dyna-gro on alternating schedule. a water, feed, water schedule. also low doses of calmag and molasses, alternating each with feedings. ph in is 6.0-6.3, with suggested amounts of each nutes.
the first two pictures were taken when the symptoms first showed up. i watered with jacks and within 48 hours the leaves did that. i poured phd water through and the ec was 3.0 so i flushed em out. down to about 400 or so and ph 6.3.
its two weeks later now and theyve been fed at increasing nute strenghts with water in between and its showing up again.
looks like potassium deficiency sort of, but i cant figure out why. if it was due to lock out, shouldnt i have fixed that?
oh, temps in veg room are in between 72-80 with 40-55 rh.
i appreciate any help. really!


Well-Known Member
well at first look, Mag and Phos came to mind. but you ARE using calmag, so i would think its a lockout due to pH (just a guess). your pH is a BIT low, but not too bad. Remember that in soil you are aiming for between 6.3 and 6.8, ive included a pic for reference.

How are you measuring your pH? is it a soil test kit/pen? or are you having to test runoff? if its runoff, keep in mind that it may not be too accurate and you may be higher/lower than the readings you are getting.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Kloset is correct about the P deficiency as well as the slightly low Ph. What looks like a Mag deficiency could also be a Zinc deficiency, their symptoms are similar. Usually a P deficiency causes purpling but since your leaves are light instead of dark green, the P def. is likely accompanied by N def. Since the P def. is strongest between leaf veins, that points to a slight K def. I would feed them a nice, rich organic tea made with high Phosphorus Guano, Fish Emulsion and 1-0-4 Maxicrop or similar seaweed fertilizer.

Your soil is too inert for the size of your plants. In the future, try a 50%-25%-25% mix of potting soil, perlite and Worm Castings. Add lime, Kelp Meal for some K and Guano for P to the mix. Edna's best is a good potting soil to start with.


Active Member
hey guys. thanks for your replies!
Klosetking- ill up the ph a bit. i have two hanna pens, that i started mistrusting even after calibration. like maybe they need new electrodes. i got some drops ive been using for now. i do test runoff too though just to see where its at.
mothers finest-thanks for your response. do you think since jacks classic is 20-20-20, i should be able to correct deficienies with that?
my mix is sunshine #4 (peat) and i added losts of perlite, a little worms casting and lime at 1 tbls per gallon. thanks again

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
You've been feeding them with that fertilizer, no? If so, you may want to try something different. Perhaps you could get one new high-Phosphorus fertilizer to add to a low strength mix of the Jack's, since that seems to be your biggest deficiency. Most Guanos and Bone Meal are the best sources of P but they will need to be made into a tea.


Active Member
mothers finest- yeah ive been feeding with fertilizers. so you really think its p huh? why after a flush and a regular strength dose of jacks (20-20-20) would i not have corrected it? thats what im confused about i guess. thanks for you help. i really appreciate it. i will go get some guano though and make some aerated tea i guess.


Well-Known Member
I just had a slight zinc def with my freshly planted cuttings, don't know if I had a lockout or what because they were just transplanted but how I fixed it was to flush plants with plain water to fix the lockout and then I fed with normal strength food and foliar fed with half dose and its clearing right up. But it def looks like a zinc def...
Personnaly i think sunshine#4 is a heavy mix i prefer roots 707 mixed with the roots greenfields soils. Then i use the humboldt nutrient 2 part A and B 100% organic nutes and use the nute calculator for the proper mix ratio. You can then tweek it to what you girls enjoy. It is areally good product and is easy to work with. But form looking at what you have going i think if you change the humboldt nute line you will see great results fast. You are deficient across the board and your ph is low.


I dont know jack...i have my own first plant, but reading everyone elses problems and what they do is a good start for me to be learning what is good/bad, how to be patient...all that jazz. Good luck


Active Member
okay, so i got zinc, p, cal and mag deficiency suggestions. made some tea with bone meal and fish emulsion and ewc and some other goodies, should be done tonight. not sure if i should flush or feed or........ theyre wet still so maybe i can transplant to bigger pots since its about time and the fresh mix will help if theyre locked out? give em some tea and half dose of nutes.
im trying to read em but dang its pretty hard
Patients with all the stuff racing through your head. Let them rest a day look at them tomorrow then transplant and let them ajust to the fresh soil for a day thenmake a light water with straight ph water then nute on your next water.


Active Member
southsidenuggs-thanks. yeah probably will transplant tomorrow and hope something reveals itself further.