Help! Are my plants too small?


New Member
I'm growing three Royal Bluematics (feminized//autoflowering). They're almost 5 weeks old, they started flowering (got lots of pistils) and are between 30 and 35 cm tall. The size it says in the info is 60-75cm, twice their current size. They seem awfully short. Are they, or am I being paranoid?

Any help is much appreciated! Thanks!


Well-Known Member
They are gunna keep growing man chill and smoke a blunt. Or post a pic.

Sometimes plants explode with new growth in the first few weeks of flower... Although idk shit about autos.

Also, every plant is different. I bet that seedbank told ya youd get 250-300g per square meter too... Maybe ya will but maybe ya won't. Some plants get big, some plants are runts.

Dont listen to that shit, use the forums to see what a strain should be like before you buy it so ya know what to expect.


New Member
How big are the pots? What kind of lighting?
20x20x27,5 // 7lts

It's a Metal-halide light, for growing, that's all I know (my co-grower owns the equipment, house and watch over them). We're thinking of getting a HPS light for the flowering period


Active Member
Be nicer if they were bigger IMO but yet I don't know anything about auto flowers and how much more they will grow.
I aimed to fill my entire floor space with "LST"ing and then flipped them into flower but obvious with auto flowers I understand when they turned was out of your hands.?
Maybe if you don't have sufficient lighting ect. For them to grow to the size you would like in the given time slot then maybe just go for an non auto next time and you can keep them in veg for as long as it takes till your happy and then flip.
That's just from my opinion and very limited knowledge as I'm new to all this as well.

Don Geno

Well-Known Member
Autos are sensitive little boogers anything thay disrupts them greatly affects growth most autos dont get to big they do however fill out I personally keep plants shorter for better light penetration don't worry bout the size she will fill out just fine remember "its not the size of the dog in the fight . its the size of the fight in the dog"- hustle and flow :bigjoint::clap::hump:8-):peace:

Don Geno

Well-Known Member
Blue og and high priority in 10 gal smart pot giving each roughly 5 gal of wiggle space . smart pot to let roots breath to hot this summer also last thing i had for em as they out grew my 3 gallon they are trained defoliated and ready to flower



Well-Known Member
Blue og and high priority in 10 gal smart pot giving each roughly 5 gal of wiggle space . smart pot to let roots breath to hot this summer also last thing i had for em as they out grew my 3 gallon they are trained defoliated and ready to flower
Dude i love the gnome lol


Well-Known Member
20x20x27,5 // 7lts

It's a Metal-halide light, for growing, that's all I know (my co-grower owns the equipment, house and watch over them). We're thinking of getting a HPS light for the flowering period
hey man .......u got no worries as the plant is going to strech out some

but the issue i can see is feeding ........your plants are not getting all they want/could intake ......i did this myself first grow

order these 2 things

the go box is organic and will help the plant ......fallow the plan on the side
the powders well they are power for budding u add them into the watering rotations during flowering

count these plants as u get better with the feeding and reading of the plant u size and yields will look more like in the ads (rem they are pro growers with dialed in set up and know what the strain whats at what time in theirs will always be better then ours until we get the skills and equipment )

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
They look fine for autos, just be patient. One thing though...they may be 7 liters pots but it looks like they are only half full of medium. Which means much less room for the roots. Next time I would fill the containers all the way to the top with medium. More root space equates to a bigger yield. And the Fox Farms solubles will most likely only cause you issues. Peat/coco based mediums DO NOT need all of the P and K they contain. They are much better used in mineralized soils that leach P and K very easily.


Well-Known Member
They look fine for autos, just be patient. One thing though...they may be 7 liters pots but it looks like they are only half full of medium. Which means much less room for the roots. Next time I would fill the containers all the way to the top with medium. More root space equates to a bigger yield. And the Fox Farms solubles will most likely only cause you issues. Peat/coco based mediums DO NOT need all of the P and K they contain. They are much better used in mineralized soils that leach P and K very easily.
technically, and not to be a douche, but a larger root mass would equate to a larger yield, not necessarily a larger space for them to grow.