Help! CAn I harvest my ak-47 yet?


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, Im growing some auto ak-47, and I checked my trichs, most of them are cloudy, High times states that this is the best time begin flushing, but people on RIU insist to wait untill trichs are amber in color. What do I do???
can I Yet 001.jpg
can I Yet 002.jpg
can I Yet 003.jpg
can I Yet 004.jpg


Well-Known Member
Hey man. Still looks a little white to me. youve been knowing the plant for awhile so when some of the colour changed it looked diff to you. Still think you gotta weight a bit. Hopefully somebody will know better thats grown it before


Well-Known Member
Anyone else, got any comments, or are you just going to view the pics, I need some serious help here, any experts???


Well-Known Member
i say let it go for a week. start flushing. by the end of the week see if its 75 cloudy 25 amber or 50/50 then go from there.

milky white cloudy crystals is when they are full of thc. idealy you want 75 cloudy / 25 brown.

when they go amber the thc is degrading. the more darker amber is couchlock.

cloudy white is cerbral high, party high. it all depends on taste.

good luck:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
AMC i decided to check the pics on all the autos that i found and especially ak47 and crosses. Most I saw were let go slightly more amber. I saw a pic of a cross that looked like yours and it was also slightly more orange. Can't believe nobody knows for certain. i've heard many say they grow it. But you would rather pic slightly late than slightly early


Well-Known Member
go another 7-10 days....start flushing with pH'ed water only now though and you will be in for a good harvest. nice grow by the way. please let us know how you enjoy the auto-ak47 i have heard decent things about it.



Well-Known Member
He can't let you know. hes sending it to me to sample for him. i wouldn't want him to be dissapointed. If you send me some weed that you just harvested i will do the same for you. Thats what friends do. lol


Well-Known Member
I appreciate all of your comments thanx, I decided to wait at least 1-2 weeks!!! I will keep postin pics, and updates. And also, do you guys think that I could just use water that has been sitting in a container for ever to flush my plants with??? If not, what is a simple solution to testing water for ph.