Help DragonFly


Well-Known Member
Like i said i am completly new the biggest plant i ever had was 1 foot,I am using household lights two 60 watt bulbs in 30 gallon fish tank inside closet i can move the lights up or down but i keep them about 1 1/2 half foot from plants i am using pretty good soil regular soil ive grown tomatoes and other shit in it even venus fly traps for my kids i keep the temp about 90 to 98 degrees 24 hours a day they started out good i put little fertilizer on top of soil it died quick the big one had fertilizer in bottom of pot soil it did good but once the other died t started to droop HELP

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
First off its way too hot. 70-85F is what you want. Second you have now made me go beat up the second old lady this month. Go buy some regular pots 1-5 gallon will be good. Then buy some fish for your fish tank. Third... are you using regular incandescent bulbs? You need either a shit load of flourescents or cfls(1 inch away) or a real light like a mh or hps light. The light is the most important item. You wont get very far with weak lights. I believe thats why your plants are tall and weak right now. Try to fix these things and you will be on your way to growing some awesome dank.

Ps check out my growfaq on my sig. It will help some.