Help....Leaving for 1 1/2 weeks!


Active Member
Hello guys, I'm have the hugest problem.........I'm 2 weeks into my grow and my plants are looking sweet. But I had an emergency pop up and I have to leave my apartment for 1 1/2 weeks. I'm thinking i should just ditch the project and start over, but I dont have anymore seeds left. Is there anyway to preserve my little babies till i get back.......please someone help. I really dont wanna travel with these things on the back of my truck for obvious reasons and i really dont wanna ditch the project....but the emergency leave is very important.


Well-Known Member
Hello guys, I'm have the hugest problem.........I'm 2 weeks into my grow and my plants are looking sweet. But I had an emergency pop up and I have to leave my apartment for 1 1/2 weeks. I'm thinking i should just ditch the project and start over, but I dont have anymore seeds left. Is there anyway to preserve my little babies till i get back.......please someone help. I really dont wanna travel with these things on the back of my truck for obvious reasons and i really dont wanna ditch the project....but the emergency leave is very important.
Do you have any responsible friends that would be willing to look after them while you're gone? That's the only thing I can think of, dude.


Active Member
naw man i wish i did, but i dont trust anyone. im thinking maybe i can put them in a ziplock bag of water and freeze it?


Well-Known Member
Kill it and start over. Only two weeks in, you're not losing too big of an investment. Yes, you could build a drip system, but I think it's risky to have your plants totally unmonitored for that long.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
wont need a timer for ya lights as they should be under 24 hours of light at this time of your grow.Easy simple setup.Get a very small water pump that can handle how ever many plants you got.use a aquarium hose splitter run the line to each pot .Use a 1/4 inch hose with T fittings 1 line in each pot end of hose in l;ast pot.Set a little bucket with pump in it.Set a timer for 1 minute every 2 days and you good.Timer will cost about $17 for a 1 minute timer.Hose about $4 a tiny pump maybe $10,aquarium hose manifold for a 4 hose setup about $3.Then you have a fully automated watering setup you can always use to water with...or go aero and hydro and you dont have to do anything except set the timer and go


Well-Known Member
put them in big pots!!!!give a very good soaking...and push 500ml bottles into the soil around yr plants.condensation builds up in the bottles and slowly runs down watering yr plant...they mite still be ok in a wk!!not sure if they'll last2 wks tho


Active Member
ok, ive decided to make a drip system, but uhh.... I CANT FIND A WATER PUMP ANYWHERE! where do i find a water pump? ive been to walmart, lowes, and home depot, with no luck.