Help me cant kill black fly


Well-Known Member
Whatever you decide to use, these are serious pests. Be sure to follow up in 2-3 weeks to get the hatchlings/eggs.

Lots of growers don't completely rid their grows in the first battle or two. I've read that alternating your active ingredient in subsequent sprays works, as mites do develop immunities/resistance in their struggle to survive . . . and ruin your life!
Like use permithrin today, pyrethrum next time you see a live one, etc.


Well-Known Member
spider mites also like hot, dry climate.. if you get the humidity up and the temp not breaking 80 degrees that should also help.. they cannot thrive in an unfit environment.
i had spider mites once.. i didnt use any sprays, just adjusted the climate and it got rid of them.
hope that helps, if not for this time, the next time. knowing what environment pests like and avoiding it really helps keep them away once and for all.