Help me develop my idea


Active Member
Ive been for the past days looking for a good way to distribute the cfl's easily around one plant.
What i eventually came up with wad the idea of having long "arms" like you typically see in reading lamps, and attach my bulbs to those. This way i can move them around daily. Any idea where i can find those or what they're called? Or any other ideas for that matter. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
I use similar type light stands for my side lighting, they're called table top lighting stands afaik.

They're able to move higher / lower and the reflectors are able to move up and down.

Here is an image of what i'm talking about.


They work great, you can also get them in larger sizes to suit your needs.


Ursus marijanus
I like gooseneck fixtures.

If you DIY you can have goosenecks emerge from a frame so you can train the lamps any which way. The gooseneck conduit can be bought.


Active Member
I use those clamp lamps with the metal reflector that you get from lowe's for about 6 bucks. I take off the reflector and put a Y-splitter and put 2 CFLs per lamp. Then I just clamp em to the sides of the pot. As the plant gets taller, you can loosen the wing nut and adjust them. When I was growing CFL only, the way I handled the top was to mount a power strip to a board, then use those plug in sockets, with Y-splitters and put 3 sets of 2 CFLs above em that way.. I'd just raise/lower the board as needed. I used 3 clamp lamps and the 1 power strip. It gave me 6 around the sides and 6 above for a total of 276 actual watts of CFL in a cupboard.


Well-Known Member
I bought two of these this grow to use cfl's along w/my 600W, they work freaking awesome and not much $

I took the globes off, and took a section of pipe out so they are only about 4' tall. Huge improvement, infinitely adjustable

If you check out my current grow you can see some pics, post 15 probably has best pic though one isn't bulbed up yet.
Just been to look at POST 15...
If it could actually be increased and have adjustable, bendy/stretchy arms emerging from a main pole that hung DOWN from the roof...
Position each individual lamp wherever you'd like it.
I think this is a product that would have a market?


Well-Known Member
they sell fixtures with rubber ended clamps at every home depot and lowes ive ever been too. or just buy the ones that are a light socket and a plug at the ass end of it, plug it into an extension chord, and hang them all around. Light fixtures run 7-8 bucks each, extension chords run a tad over a dollar at dollar tree.


Well-Known Member
Here is the easiest thing you'll ever do. Attach some hooks at the top and get your extension cords together. Then get yourself some of these standard office clips and use them on your extension cords to hang from the hooks. The beautiful thing is they are so easily adjustable


Well-Known Member
Just been to look at POST 15...
If it could actually be increased and have adjustable, bendy/stretchy arms emerging from a main pole that hung DOWN from the roof...
Position each individual lamp wherever you'd like it.
I think this is a product that would have a market?
Well if you got creative you could figure out a way to hang this from a ceiling. Actually just use the head, the "manifold", where the 5 flexible arms originate, and adapt it to your needs.

It is beyond a doubt the best $40 I spent this grow, buying two of these things. In the past I was using clamp-ons and they would slip and burn buds. or I'd fumble one and break a nice CFL. (Did this 3 times if I remember). Wires everywhere. No longer though !


Well-Known Member
Well if you got creative you could figure out a way to hang this from a ceiling. Actually just use the head, the "manifold", where the 5 flexible arms originate, and adapt it to your needs.

It is beyond a doubt the best $40 I spent this grow, buying two of these things. In the past I was using clamp-ons and they would slip and burn buds. or I'd fumble one and break a nice CFL. (Did this 3 times if I remember). Wires everywhere. No longer though !

Those multi-headed, free standing lamps...?
They're not available in the UK
Just from USA but the shipping costs twice as much as the actual product
and the government may come after TWO taxes (Import duty and Value Added Tax).
Sometimes the UK feels likes some backwards village of the former USSR
where there;s a two day wait for bread and, every 7 months, a truck load of size 4 sandals (that only fit the left foot) arrive.

My creative genius is being stifled in this commercially oppressive environment.


aim aims thing has 5 lights for 17 bucks.. the y adapters alone cost half of that. And it looks like its completely adjustable