Help me please!


Hi, I have a 4x4 grow tent in a garage. I have an enclosed area that has fresh air from outside coming in and being recirculated with an AC unit which is running ducting into the tent. I have a 6' fan with the ducting leaving the tent and exiting through and outside vent. This is a first time for my buddy and I growing and we seem to be hitting a snag. we have some babies (roughly 12 days old) and we had them in rock wool. We were having issues with the tips of the leaves turning brown. we went to our local Hydro shop and they told us to remove them out of the trays and put the plant (with the rock wool) into some soil so we can start a small nutrient plan. So we removed 2 out of 4 and put them into soil with the mix they recommended. My buddy and I are stuck between them maybe not getting enough nitrogen,CO2 or is it a deficiency? i.e potassium,calcium? We are using a T5 with fluorescent lights. Using a seed starter and potting soil. With 1 to 1 floraduo set, and a caliMAGic tsp. Any help would be great. And I apologize for the crappy pics, my Iphone is taking a shit on me. On one of the pics you can see on the tip of the leave the brownish color and on the other one as well. thanks for your help!



Well-Known Member
Plants look ok for 14 days, looks like some heat stress maybe, but if ur using tap water no need for cal/mg for plants that small in soil