help my baby sick :(

20140302_182902.jpg using walmart nutes because I dont know what kind is best lol still iATTACHing now on about 7th node with no sign of sexual maturity yet using purified walmart water and home brew co2 enrichment.



Well-Known Member
The walmart here has an ro machine.
Are you adding cal/mag
Also more details on your fertilizer
if your not sure if it is safe and effective.

Also brand of soil and feeding schedule.
Havent added cal or mag. Its miricle grow all purpose plant food.12-4-8 I feed her every other watering. I keep humidity around sixty right now so I only have to water once every three or four days but the outside edges are Def turn in a yellowish and its starting to claw like a n def and the soil is just regular mg soil.


Well-Known Member
So what kind of mg soil there are more than one.
Some have slow release nutes included.

If you are using ro or distilled I would consider cal/mag


Well-Known Member
the plant looks ok...early signs of stuff(maybe nute burn?) but nothing to worry about. just make sure you got some dolomite lime in the dirt. if its droopy its probably because it just got watered or overwatered. make sure your pot is pretty light when you go back to water it and remember less is more with nutes.


Well-Known Member
That had slow release nitrogen balls in it.
The more you water the more gets released.

That little plant would not need food for a long time after being planted.


Well-Known Member
yeah with those time release ferts you have to be super careful not to overwater. wait till the plant starts tellin you to give it nutrients which will probably be 4-6 weeks maybe not sure with MG
Well shit.. I can't even flush it then.. its going to die now isn't it lol its p rolly around a month old I would guess based on the branching


Well-Known Member
I would stop adding the mg food and start adding 1/2 strength cal/mag to the water.

Then just keep an eye on it and if it dosent perk up and stop with the discoloration reinvestigate it.

Also might want to find a different soil
for flowering in.


Well-Known Member
I've never really had problems with time release soils...but stop feeding and make sure ur not overwatering and it should be fine, gl
Whats decent food and soil? This is a ghetto test before my gear gets here. Over $1000 worth of gear on the way and some fem NL seeds just tryin to get a general idea before I screw up my genetics.


Well-Known Member
You can make it work with any soil.
Im organic so I wont really be much help.

If your gonna use chem ferts you might as well use a basic foodles soil imo
Hang out though youll get better info soon. lol
I wanna try Dec honestly but I'm completely lost on that for sure. I wouldn't mind mixing my own soil I just dont know how I honestly dont like the thought of the chemicals either


Well-Known Member
All that shit intimidates me.
dwc that is.

I dont know why.
I think its the fact I have not been exposed to it. enough.
I can't get over soaking a plant in water.. I mean shit it doesnt seem natural ya know ain't no natural dwc buckets grow in in the forest lol just looks strange therefore I've been scared to try seems easier the plop her in dirt the way they grow naturally


Well-Known Member
I can't get over soaking a plant in water.. I mean shit it doesnt seem natural ya know ain't no natural dwc buckets grow in in the forest lol just looks strange therefore I've been scared to try seems easier the plop her in dirt the way they grow naturally
Fer shizzle.